Ideas and institutions in social policy research

D Béland - Social Policy & Administration, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
This special issue commemorates the 50th anniversary of Social Policy & Administration.
Much has been written over the last two decades about the role of ideas in social policy …

Taking subnational and regional welfare states seriously: Insights from the Quebec case

PM Daigneault, L Birch, D Béland… - Journal of European …, 2021 -
Most quantitative, comparative welfare state research assumes that subnational welfare
regimes are irrelevant or identical to their national counterparts. Many qualitative case …

Program awareness, administrative burden, and non-take-up of Québec's supplement to the work premium

PM Daigneault, C Macé - International Journal of Public …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Program take-up is a necessary condition for program effectiveness. Yet, non-take-up is a
significant challenge for many social programs, including Québec's Supplement to the Work …

Ideas and the changing relationship between states and markets in social policy: A review essay

D Béland, R Mandelkern - International Journal of Social …, 2025 - Wiley Online Library
This review essay takes stock of the recent literature about the role of ideas in social policy,
with a particular focus on a key issue in social policy research: the changing interactions …

Can you recognize a paradigm when you see one? Defining and measuring paradigm shift

PM Daigneault - Policy paradigms in theory and practice: Discourses …, 2015 - Springer
Whether as a subfield of political science or as a discipline in its own right, policy studies
have come a long way since Harold Lasswell's seminal work on the policy cycle (Howlett & …

The accountability paradigm post-NCLB: Policy ideas and moral narratives

EJ Heys - Educational Policy, 2025 -
For decades, policymakers in the US have leveraged accountability policy as a governing
tool to lift school performance and close the achievement gap. Accountability become so …

Canadian Public Policy: The State of the Discipline

G Skogstad - Canadian Journal of Political Science/Revue …, 2023 -
This article examines the state of the English-language peer-reviewed literature published
over the 2011–2021 period whose objective is to describe and explain processes of …

Workfare under Ontario Works: Making sense of jobless work

S Pennisi, S Baker Collins - Social Policy & Administration, 2017 - Wiley Online Library
Ontario Works is a provincial income assistance programme of last resort, operating under a
workfare policy structure. Based on interviews with clients and staff (case managers …

[PDF][PDF] What Role for'in-work Benefits'?: A Comparison of Policies in EU Member States, 2006-2017

J Abbas - 2020 -
In broad terms, in-work benefits comprise tax-benefit policies that supplement the earned
income of households undertaking paid work. There is a general consensus that in-work …

Disability and Employment Policy in Canada: National Policy Variation for Working Age Individuals

S Dinan, N Boucher - Journal of social policy, 2023 -
This article analyses and compares disability policies for working-age individuals in Canada
with a focus on the mode of policy provision and type of measure to determine the degree to …