[HTML][HTML] Deciding the consistency of non-linear real arithmetic constraints with a conflict driven search using cylindrical algebraic coverings

E Ábrahám, JH Davenport, M England… - Journal of Logical and …, 2021 - Elsevier
We present a new algorithm for determining the satisfiability of conjunctions of non-linear
polynomial constraints over the reals, which can be used as a theory solver for satisfiability …

Incremental linearization for satisfiability and verification modulo nonlinear arithmetic and transcendental functions

A Cimatti, A Griggio, A Irfan, M Roveri… - ACM Transactions on …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) is the problem of deciding the satisfiability of a first-
order formula with respect to some theory or combination of theories; Verification Modulo …

Efficient local search for nonlinear real arithmetic

Z Wang, B Zhan, B Li, S Cai - International Conference on Verification …, 2023 - Springer
Local search has recently been applied to SMT problems over various arithmetic theories.
Among these, nonlinear real arithmetic poses special challenges due to its uncountable …

[PDF][PDF] Cooperating Techniques for Solving Nonlinear Real Arithmetic in the cvc5 SMT Solver (System Description)

G Kremer, A Reynolds, C Barrett… - … Joint Conference on …, 2022 - library.oapen.org
The cvc5 SMT solver solves quantifier-free nonlinear real arithmetic problems by combining
the cylindrical algebraic coverings method with incremental linearization in an abstraction …

[PDF][PDF] Isabelle's Metalogic: Formalization and Proof Checker.

T Nipkow, S Roßkopf - CADE, 2021 - library.oapen.org
Isabelle is a generic theorem prover with a fragment of higherorder logic as a metalogic for
defining object logics. Isabelle also provides proof terms. We formalize this metalogic and …

Subtropical satisfiability for SMT solving

J Nalbach, E Ábrahám - NASA Formal Methods Symposium, 2023 - Springer
A wide range of problems from aerospace engineering and other application areas can be
encoded logically and solved using satisfiability modulo theories (SMT) tools, which …

Exploiting strict constraints in the cylindrical algebraic covering

P Bär, J Nalbach, E Ábrahám, CW Brown - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2023 - arxiv.org
One of the few available complete methods for checking the satisfiability of sets of
polynomial constraints over the reals is the cylindrical algebraic covering (CAlC) method. In …

Non-linear real arithmetic benchmarks derived from automated reasoning in economics

CB Mulligan, R Bradford, JH Davenport, M England… - 2018 - nber.org
We consider problems originating in economics that may be solved automatically using
mathematical software. We present and make freely available a new benchmark set of such …

Optimization modulo non-linear arithmetic via incremental linearization

F Bigarella, A Cimatti, A Griggio, A Irfan… - … Symposium on Frontiers …, 2021 - Springer
Incremental linearization is a conceptually simple, yet effective, technique that we have
recently proposed for solving SMT problems on the theories of non-linear arithmetic over the …

[PDF][PDF] The ksmt Calculus Is a δ-complete Decision Procedure for Non-linear Constraints.

F Brauße, K Korovin, MV Korovina, NT Müller - CADE, 2021 - library.oapen.org
ksmt is a CDCL-style calculus for solving non-linear constraints over the real numbers
involving polynomials and transcendental functions. In this paper we investigate properties …