Promoting positive youth development through scouting
One important attribute involved in Positive Youth Development (PYD) is character, which is
associated with having a moral or ethical compass, or the proclivity to “do the right thing” at …
associated with having a moral or ethical compass, or the proclivity to “do the right thing” at …
Develo** and testing a theory of change for Boy Scouts of America
Positive youth development programs such as those offered by Boy Scouts of America (BSA)
provide sources of support and opportunities for leadership and character development …
provide sources of support and opportunities for leadership and character development …
Is the Scoutreach initiative of Boy Scouts of America linked to character development among socioeconomically, racially, and ethnically diverse youth?: Initial …
Youth development programs represent key tools in the work of youth-serving practitioners
and researchers who strive to promote character development and other attributes of youth …
and researchers who strive to promote character development and other attributes of youth …
Towards the promotion of positive development among boys in challenging contexts: A mixed-methods study of engagement in the Scoutreach Initiative
Engagement in youth development programs reflects the quality of young people's program-
related experiences. However, more research is needed that explores cognitive, emotional …
related experiences. However, more research is needed that explores cognitive, emotional …
Measuring positive development among college students in the United States: Investigating cross-sectional and longitudinal measurement invariance across different …
Measures that are applicable to assess the positive youth development (PYD) of racially
diverse college students are needed. The present study tested if a revised version of the …
diverse college students are needed. The present study tested if a revised version of the …
Análisis de las áreas de los niños y jóvenes fortalecidas al participar en el movimiento Scout según la literatura: una revisión sistemática
De acuerdo con la participación en los scouts, ha surgido el siguiente interrogante:¿ Cuáles
son las áreas del desarrollo personal de los integrantes del movimiento Scout que se …
son las áreas del desarrollo personal de los integrantes del movimiento Scout que se …
[PDF][PDF] Sources of meaning of life for Scouts in Czechia
F Sochor - work, 2023 - theses.cz
The work deals with the meaning of life among Scouts. It utilizes data from the ZdroSmy
questionnaire, the Czech standardized version of the SoMe questionnaire developed by …
questionnaire, the Czech standardized version of the SoMe questionnaire developed by …
Thriving through outdoor programming: Trajectories of prosocial attributes
B Burkhard - 2019 - search.proquest.com
Specific outdoor programs have a developmental focus and are designed for youth. In
seeking to promote positive development in young people, these programs take place …
seeking to promote positive development in young people, these programs take place …
[KNIHA][B] Towards the promotion of positive development among youth in challenging contexts: A mixed-methods study of engagement in the Scoutreach program
RB Champine - 2016 - search.proquest.com
The experiences of male youth of color in urban and lower-income communities (eg, related
to exposure to racism, antisocial behaviors, and conflicting cultural norms in regard to …
to exposure to racism, antisocial behaviors, and conflicting cultural norms in regard to …
[KNIHA][B] Examining the leadership characteristics of Harry Potter and Katniss Everdeen through the lens of transformational leadership theory: a critical discourse …
W Underhill - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Good leadership is arguably important to the success of any organization, nation, or people.
Research over the last 50 years indicates that transformational leaders are desirable and …
Research over the last 50 years indicates that transformational leaders are desirable and …