Essential oils used in dermocosmetics: Review about its biological activities
Introduction Currently, the demand for the use of constituents of natural origin in cosmetic
formulations in detriment of synthetic compounds is noticeable. Several studies assess the …
formulations in detriment of synthetic compounds is noticeable. Several studies assess the …
Can vitamin D levels alter the effectiveness of short-term facelift interventions?
DF Trifan, AG Tirla, AF Moldovan, C Moș, F Bodog… - Healthcare, 2023 - mdpi.com
Facelifting is increasingly popular among the population. It exceeded the limits of post-
traumatic facia-reconstruction. Both the demand and the methods available are getting …
traumatic facia-reconstruction. Both the demand and the methods available are getting …
Pre-formulation study on the preparation of skin cosmetics
A Ainurofiq, A Maharani, F Fatonah… - Science and …, 2021 - sciencetechindonesia.com
Cosmetics have been a trend necessary for all people. The increasing need of the
community in the use of cosmetics becomes the basis of the formulation of this article. Pre …
community in the use of cosmetics becomes the basis of the formulation of this article. Pre …
[PDF][PDF] Antioxidant capacity of Sanguisorba officinalis L. and sanguisorba minor scop.
TA Cristina, MA Ramona, VS Ioana, B Petru - 2021 - researchgate.net
Rosaceae is one of the important families with a variety of diversified plant species which
grows in the north temperate zone and occurs in a wide variety of habitats. Moreover …
grows in the north temperate zone and occurs in a wide variety of habitats. Moreover …
Stability Profile and Clinical Evaluation of an Innovative Hydrogel Containing Polymeric Micelles as Drug Delivery Systems with Oregano Essential Oil against …
L Bora, A Iftode, AM Muț, LL Vlaia, GE Olteanu… - Pharmaceuticals, 2023 - mdpi.com
Skin tags, also known as fibroepithelial polyps (FPs) or acrochordons, are soft, pigmented
excrescences, with a prevalence of 50–60% in the population, occurring especially in the …
excrescences, with a prevalence of 50–60% in the population, occurring especially in the …
[PDF][PDF] Variations in the chemical composition of the essential oil of Lavandula angustifolia Mill., Moldoveanca 4 Romanian variety
In this research, the variations in the chemical composition of the Lavandula angustifolia
Mill. essential oil, the Romanian variety Moldoveanca 4, obtained from the same culture, in …
Mill. essential oil, the Romanian variety Moldoveanca 4, obtained from the same culture, in …
[PDF][PDF] Preservação de cosméticos frente ao complexo Burkholderia cepacia usando óleos essenciais e componentes multifuncionais
ACF da Silva - 2023 - repositorio.unicamp.br
As preocupações com a contaminação microbiana nas indústrias farmacêutica e cosmética
levaram a questões sobre a segurança dos conservantes químicos tradicionais. Buscam-se …
levaram a questões sobre a segurança dos conservantes químicos tradicionais. Buscam-se …
[PDF][PDF] Can Vitamin D Levels Alter the Effectiveness of Short-Term Facelift Interventions? Healthcare 2023, 11, 1490
DF Trifan, AG Tirla, AF Moldovan, C Mos, F Bodog… - 2023 - academia.edu
Facelifting is increasingly popular among the population. It exceeded the limits of
posttraumatic facia-reconstruction. Both the demand and the methods available are getting …
posttraumatic facia-reconstruction. Both the demand and the methods available are getting …
Óleos Essenciais Usados em Dermocosméticos: Revisão sobre as suas Atividades Biológicas
CMP Cunha - 2022 - bdigital.ipg.pt
Introdução: Atualmente é assinalável a procura pela utilização de constituintes de origem
natural nas formulações cosméticas em detrimento dos compostos sintéticos. Diversos …
natural nas formulações cosméticas em detrimento dos compostos sintéticos. Diversos …
Development of anti-aging cosmetic formulations
MFT Caçador - 2022 - search.proquest.com
A indústria de cosméticos adquiriu uma enorme importância, sendo considerada uma área
de negócios e investigação em constante expansão. A sociedade em que vivemos está …
de negócios e investigação em constante expansão. A sociedade em que vivemos está …