Theory of mind as inverse reinforcement learning
J Jara-Ettinger - Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 2019 - Elsevier
We review the idea that Theory of Mind—our ability to reason about other people's mental
states—can be formalized as inverse reinforcement learning. Under this framework …
states—can be formalized as inverse reinforcement learning. Under this framework …
How to communicate robot motion intent: A sco** review
Robots are becoming increasingly omnipresent in our daily lives, supporting us and carrying
out autonomous tasks. In Human-Robot Interaction, human actors benefit from …
out autonomous tasks. In Human-Robot Interaction, human actors benefit from …
Cooperative inverse reinforcement learning
For an autonomous system to be helpful to humans and to pose no unwarranted risks, it
needs to align its values with those of the humans in its environment in such a way that its …
needs to align its values with those of the humans in its environment in such a way that its …
Effects of robot motion on human-robot collaboration
Most motion in robotics is purely functional, planned to achieve the goal and avoid
collisions. Such motion is great in isolation, but collaboration affords a human who is …
collisions. Such motion is great in isolation, but collaboration affords a human who is …
Shared autonomy via hindsight optimization for teleoperation and teaming
In shared autonomy, a user and autonomous system work together to achieve shared goals.
To collaborate effectively, the autonomous system must know the user's goal. As such, most …
To collaborate effectively, the autonomous system must know the user's goal. As such, most …
Human-robot collaborative manipulation planning using early prediction of human motion
In this paper we present a framework that allows a human and a robot to perform
simultaneous manipulation tasks safely in close proximity. The proposed framework is …
simultaneous manipulation tasks safely in close proximity. The proposed framework is …
Explicability? legibility? predictability? transparency? privacy? security? the emerging landscape of interpretable agent behavior
There has been significant interest of late in generating behavior of agents that is
interpretable to the human (observer) in the loop. However, the work in this area has …
interpretable to the human (observer) in the loop. However, the work in this area has …
Analyzing the effects of human-aware motion planning on close-proximity human–robot collaboration
Objective: The objective of this work was to examine human response to motion-level robot
adaptation to determine its effect on team fluency, human satisfaction, and perceived safety …
adaptation to determine its effect on team fluency, human satisfaction, and perceived safety …
Human-robot mutual adaptation in collaborative tasks: Models and experiments
Adaptation is critical for effective team collaboration. This paper introduces a computational
formalism for mutual adaptation between a robot and a human in collaborative tasks. We …
formalism for mutual adaptation between a robot and a human in collaborative tasks. We …
Plan explicability and predictability for robot task planning
Intelligent robots and machines are becoming pervasive in human populated environments.
A desirable capability of these agents is to respond to goal-oriented commands by …
A desirable capability of these agents is to respond to goal-oriented commands by …