The clustering instability in rapid granular and gas-solid flows
Flows of solid particles are known to exhibit a clustering instability—dynamic microstructures
characterized by a dense region of highly concentrated particles surrounded by a dilute …
characterized by a dense region of highly concentrated particles surrounded by a dilute …
Clustering instabilities in sedimenting fluid–solid systems: critical assessment of kinetic-theory-based predictions using direct numerical simulation data
In this work the quantitative and qualitative ability of a kinetic-theory-based two-fluid model
(KT-TFM) is assessed in a state of fully periodic sedimentation (fluidization), with a focus on …
(KT-TFM) is assessed in a state of fully periodic sedimentation (fluidization), with a focus on …
Effects of granular temperature on inter-phase drag in gas-solid flows
Direct numerical simulations with a second-order immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann
method are used to investigate the effect of particle fluctuation on flows in fixed random …
method are used to investigate the effect of particle fluctuation on flows in fixed random …
Time-dependent homogeneous states of binary granular suspensions
The time evolution of a homogeneous bidisperse granular suspension is studied in the
context of the Enskog kinetic equation. The influence of the surrounding viscous gas on the …
context of the Enskog kinetic equation. The influence of the surrounding viscous gas on the …
Effects of particle velocity fluctuations on inter-phase heat transfer in gas-solid flows
Heat transfer in gas-solid flows has been numerically investigated via an immersed
boundary-thermal lattice Boltzmann method. Stationary random assemblies of spheres are …
boundary-thermal lattice Boltzmann method. Stationary random assemblies of spheres are …
Kinetic theory of granular particles immersed in a molecular gas
The transport coefficients of a dilute gas of inelastic hard spheres immersed in a gas of
elastic hard spheres (molecular gas) are determined. We assume that the number density of …
elastic hard spheres (molecular gas) are determined. We assume that the number density of …
[КНИГА][B] Applications of mathematical heat transfer and fluid flow models in engineering and medicine
AS Dorfman - 2017 - books.google.com
Applications of mathematical heat transfer and fluid flow models in engineering and
medicine Abram S. Dorfman, University of Michigan, USA Engineering and medical …
medicine Abram S. Dorfman, University of Michigan, USA Engineering and medical …
Rheology of granular particles immersed in a molecular gas under uniform shear flow
Non-Newtonian transport properties of a dilute gas of inelastic hard spheres immersed in a
molecular gas are determined. We assume that the granular gas is sufficiently rarefied, and …
molecular gas are determined. We assume that the granular gas is sufficiently rarefied, and …
Transport coefficients for granular suspensions at moderate densities
The Enskog kinetic theory for moderately dense granular suspensions is considered as a
model to determine the Navier–Stokes transport coefficients. The influence of the interstitial …
model to determine the Navier–Stokes transport coefficients. The influence of the interstitial …
Stability analysis of the homogeneous hydrodynamics of a model for a confined granular gas
The linear hydrodynamic stability of a model for confined quasi-two-dimensional granular
gases is analyzed. The system exhibits homogeneous hydrodynamics, ie, there are …
gases is analyzed. The system exhibits homogeneous hydrodynamics, ie, there are …