An overview of Ciao and its design philosophy

MV Hermenegildo, F Bueno, M Carro… - Theory and Practice of …, 2012 -
We provide an overall description of the Ciao multiparadigm programming system
emphasizing some of the novel aspects and motivations behind its design and …

Analysis and transformation of constrained Horn clauses for program verification

E De Angelis, F Fioravanti, JP Gallagher… - Theory and Practice of …, 2022 -
This paper surveys recent work on applying analysis and transformation techniques that
originate in the field of constraint logic programming (CLP) to the problem of verifying …

Fifty years of Prolog and beyond

P Körner, M Leuschel, J Barbosa, VS Costa… - Theory and Practice of …, 2022 -
Both logic programming in general and Prolog in particular have a long and fascinating
history, intermingled with that of many disciplines they inherited from or catalyzed. A large …

Closed-form upper bounds in static cost analysis

E Albert, P Arenas, S Genaim, G Puebla - Journal of automated reasoning, 2011 - Springer
The classical approach to automatic cost analysis consists of two phases. Given a program
and some measure of cost, the analysis first produces cost relations (CRs), ie, recursive …

Cost analysis of object-oriented bytecode programs

E Albert, P Arenas, S Genaim, G Puebla… - Theoretical Computer …, 2012 - Elsevier
Cost analysis statically approximates the cost of programs in terms of their input data size.
This paper presents, to the best of our knowledge, the first approach to the automatic cost …

Practical type inference based on success ty**s

T Lindahl, K Sagonas - Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN …, 2006 -
In languages where the compiler performs no static type checks, many programs never go
wrong, but the intended use of functions and component interfaces is often undocumented …

COSTA: Design and Implementation of a Cost and Termination Analyzer for Java Bytecode

E Albert, P Arenas, S Genaim, G Puebla… - … Symposium on Formal …, 2007 - Springer
This paper describes the architecture of costa, an abstract interpretation based cos t and t
ermination a nalyzer for Java bytecode. The system receives as input a bytecode program,(a …

Abstract interpretation: past, present and future

P Cousot, R Cousot - Proceedings of the Joint Meeting of the Twenty …, 2014 -
Abstract interpretation is a theory of abstraction and constructive approximation of the
mathematical structures used in the formal description of complex or infinite systems and the …

Energy consumption analysis of programs based on XMOS ISA-level models

U Liqat, S Kerrison, A Serrano, K Georgiou… - Logic-Based Program …, 2014 - Springer
Energy consumption analysis of embedded programs requires the analysis of low-level
program representations. This is challenging because the gap between the high-level …

User-definable resource bounds analysis for logic programs

J Navas, E Mera, P López-García… - Logic Programming: 23rd …, 2007 - Springer
We present a static analysis that infers both upper and lower bounds on the usage that a
logic program makes of a set of user-definable resources. The inferred bounds will in …