[HTML][HTML] The effects of mHealth-based gamification interventions on participation in physical activity: systematic review

L Xu, H Shi, M Shen, Y Ni, X Zhang, Y Pang… - JMIR mHealth and …, 2022 - mhealth.jmir.org
Background: It is well known that regular physical exercise has associated benefits; yet,
participation remains suboptimal. Mobile health (mHealth) has become an indispensable …

[HTML][HTML] How do context-aware artificial intelligence algorithms used in fitness recommender systems? A literature review and research agenda

P Venkatachalam, S Ray - International Journal of Information Management …, 2022 - Elsevier
Recommender Systems (RS) help the user in the decision-making process when there is a
problem of plenty or lack of information. The context-aware recommender systems (CARS) …

Hexad-12: Develo** and validating a short version of the gamification user types hexad scale

J Krath, M Altmeyer, GF Tondello… - Proceedings of the 2023 …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
The Hexad scale is a crucial tool for personalized gamification in user experience (UX)
design. However, completing a 24-item questionnaire can increase dropout rates and …

[HTML][HTML] Development and evaluation of health recommender systems: systematic sco** review and evidence map**

Y Sun, J Zhou, M Ji, L Pei, Z Wang - Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023 - jmir.org
Background Health recommender systems (HRSs) are information retrieval systems that
provide users with relevant items according to the users' needs, which can motivate and …

[HTML][HTML] Uncovering the theoretical basis of user types: An empirical analysis and critical discussion of user typologies in research on tailored gameful design

J Kirchner-Krath, M Altmeyer, L Schürmann… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Gamification has become one of the main areas in information systems and human–
computer interaction research related to users' motivations and behaviors. Within this …

A systematic review of intelligent assistants

E Islas-Cota, JO Gutierrez-Garcia, CO Acosta… - Future Generation …, 2022 - Elsevier
An intelligent assistant (IA) is a computer system endowed with artificial intelligence and/or
machine learning techniques capable of intelligently assisting people. IAs have gained in …

Playful inspiration for a new wave of joyful forest technology

F Altarriba Bertran, OO Buruk, V Spors… - Proceedings of the 2023 …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Here we present an exploration into the playful potential of forests and how interactive tech
might respond to it. Through first-person, speculative, and situated generative design …

Challenges with gamification in higher education: A narrative review with implications for educators and policymakers

K Fuchs - International Journal of Changes in Education, 2024 - ojs.bonviewpress.com
This narrative review critically examines the application of gamification in higher education.
Gamification, the integration of game elements into learning, is increasingly used to …

Semantic models for IoT sensing to infer environment–wellness relationships

M Zappatore, A Longo, A Martella, B Di Martino… - Future Generation …, 2023 - Elsevier
Every time an Internet of Things (IoT) solution is deployed, every time a smartphone owner
connects her/his wireless device to a wearable activity-tracker, every time groups of citizens …

[HTML][HTML] A software engineering framework for reusable design of personalized serious games for health: development study

S Carlier, V Naessens, F De Backere… - JMIR serious …, 2023 - games.jmir.org
Background The use of serious games in health care is on the rise, as these games motivate
treatment adherence, reduce treatment costs, and educate patients and families. However …