Why stock markets crash: critical events in complex financial systems
D Sornette - Why stock markets crash, 2009 - degruyter.com
The scientific study of complex systems has transformed a wide range of disciplines in
recent years, enabling researchers in both the natural and social sciences to model and …
recent years, enabling researchers in both the natural and social sciences to model and …
Are Asian stock market fluctuations due mainly to intra-regional contagion effects? Evidence based on Asian emerging stock markets
AMM Masih, R Masih - Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 1999 - Elsevier
The main purpose of the study is:(i) to examine the long-and short-term dynamic linkages
among international and Asian emerging stock markets and then (ii) try to quantify the extent …
among international and Asian emerging stock markets and then (ii) try to quantify the extent …
The role of speculation in real estate cycles
This paper develops and simulates a model to examine whether land speculation is
primarily a cause of, or a symptom of, property cycles. The model suggests that the volatility …
primarily a cause of, or a symptom of, property cycles. The model suggests that the volatility …
Evolution in dynamic linkages across daily national stock indexes
PD Koch, TW Koch - Journal of international money and finance, 1991 - Elsevier
This article investigates how dynamic linkages among the daily rates of return of eight
national stock indexes have evolved since 1972. A dynamic simultaneous equations model …
national stock indexes have evolved since 1972. A dynamic simultaneous equations model …
Long and short term dynamic causal transmission amongst international stock markets
R Masih, AMM Masih - Journal of international Money and Finance, 2001 - Elsevier
This paper investigates the dynamic causal linkages amongst nine major international stock
price indexes. In order to gauge the causal transmission patterns we employ very recent …
price indexes. In order to gauge the causal transmission patterns we employ very recent …
Economic determinants of evolution in international stock market integration
This study investigates how and why different pairs of national equity markets display
differing degrees of co-movement over time. We interpret a greater degree of co-movement …
differing degrees of co-movement over time. We interpret a greater degree of co-movement …
Price volatility, international market links, and their implications for regulatory policies
R Roll - Journal of Financial Services Research, 1989 - Springer
Conclusions The October 1987 stock market crash spawned an abundance of research
papers, as scholars attempted to explain what seemed at the time, and to some extent …
papers, as scholars attempted to explain what seemed at the time, and to some extent …
[КНИГА][B] How Credit-money Shapes the Economy: The United States in a Global System: The United States in a Global System
R Guttmann - 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
UNIVERSITY SEMINAR SERIES The University Seminars at Columbia University welcomes …
UNIVERSITY SEMINAR SERIES The University Seminars at Columbia University welcomes …
Bubbles, stock returns, and duration dependence
G McQueen, S Thorley - Journal of Financial and Quantitative …, 1994 - cambridge.org
A new testable implication is derived from the rational speculative bubbles model stating that
the presence of bubbles implies positive duration dependence in runs of high returns …
the presence of bubbles implies positive duration dependence in runs of high returns …
Crises in developed and emerging stock markets
SA Patel, A Sarkar - Financial Analysts Journal, 1998 - Taylor & Francis
Stock market crises in the developed markets differ in important ways from the crises in
emerging stock markets. Our study of nine crises in the 1970–97 period indicates that …
emerging stock markets. Our study of nine crises in the 1970–97 period indicates that …