Mass dimension one fermions: Constructing darkness

DV Ahluwalia, JMH da Silva, CY Lee, YX Liu… - Physics Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
Let Θ be the Wigner time reversal operator for spin half and let ϕ be a Weyl spinor. Then, for
a left-transforming ϕ, the construct ζ λ Θ ϕ∗ yields a right-transforming spinor. If instead, ϕ is …

[KNYGA][B] Mass dimension one fermions

D Ahluwalia - 2019 -
In 2005, Dharam Ahluwalia and Daniel Grumiller reported an unexpected theoretical
discovery of mass dimension one fermions. These are an entirely new class of spin one half …

The theory of local mass dimension one fermions of spin one half

DV Ahluwalia - Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras, 2017 - Springer
About a decade ago the present author in collaboration with Daniel Grumiller presented an
'unexpected theoretical discovery'of spin one-half fermions with mass dimension one …

Spin-half bosons with mass dimension three-half: Evading the spin-statistics theorem

DV Ahluwalia, CY Lee - Europhysics Letters, 2022 -
By exploiting the freedom in defining the dual of spinors, we report an unexpected
theoretical discovery of a quantum field theory of spin-half bosons. It fulfils Dirac's 1969-70 …

A new class of mass dimension one fermions

D Vir Ahluwalia - Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2020 -
These are notes on the square root of a 4× 4 identity matrix and associated quantum fields of
spin one half. The method is illustrated by constructing a new mass dimension one fermionic …

Spin-half bosons with mass dimension three half: towards a resolution of the cosmological constant problem

DV Ahluwalia - arxiv preprint arxiv:2008.02630, 2020 -
We have constructed a very different type of particle than any presently known. It is a boson
and resides in the $(1/2, 0)\oplus (0, 1/2) $ representation space. The associated local field …

Mimetic Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble (ECSK) gravity

F Izaurieta, P Medina, N Merino, P Salgado… - Journal of High Energy …, 2020 - Springer
A bstract In this paper, we formulate the Mimetic theory of gravity in first-order formalism for
differential forms, ie, the mimetic version of Einstein-Cartan-Sciama-Kibble (ECSK) gravity …

Exploiting new classes of mass-dimension one fermions

RJ Bueno Rogerio, L Fabbri - Proceedings of the …, 2022 -
In this paper, we employ the machinery first shown in Ahluwalia (Ahluwalia 2020. Phys. Eng.
Sci. 476, 20200249.(doi: 10.1098/rspa. 2020.0249) and EPL 131, 41001.(doi: 10.1209/0295 …

Onset of acceleration in a universe initially filled by dark and baryonic matters in a nonminimally coupled teleparallel model

H Mohseni Sadjadi - Physical Review D, 2015 - APS
Onset of acceleration in a universe initially filled by dark and baryonic matters in a nonminimally
coupled teleparallel model Page 1 Onset of acceleration in a universe initially filled by dark and …

The Clifford algebra of physical space and Dirac theory

J Vaz Jr - European Journal of Physics, 2016 -
The Clifford algebra of physical space and Dirac theory - IOPscience Skip to content IOP
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