[PDF][PDF] Collaborative learning and the Internet

P Dillenbourg, D Schneider - 1995 - researchgate.net
For several years, scholars have attempted to measure and understand the effects of
collaborative learning. This contribution reviews the empirical work concerning the …

Supporting hypothesis generation by learners exploring an interactive computer simulation

WR Van Joolingen, T De Jong - Instructional Science, 1991 - Springer
Computer simulations provide environments enabling exploratory learning. Research has
shown that these types of learning environments are promising applications of computer …

Dual space search during scientific reasoning

D Klahr, K Dunbar - Cognitive science, 1988 - Wiley Online Library
The purpose of the two studies reported here was to develop an integrated model of the
scientific reasoning process. Subjects were placed in a simulated scientific discovery context …

[KNYGA][B] Complex problem solving: The European perspective

PA Frensch, J Funke - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
This volume presents a state-of-the-science review of the most promising current European
research--and its historic roots of research--on complex problem solving (CPS) in Europe. It …

[KNYGA][B] Problemlösendes Denken

J Funke - 2003 - books.google.com
Probleme begegnen uns täglich. Von einfachen Alltagsschwierigkeiten bis zu folgereichen
Lebensentscheidungen, von eng vernetzten Organisationsaufgaben bis zu globalen …

Heuristics for scientific experimentation: A developmental study

D Klahr, AL Fay, K Dunbar - Cognitive psychology, 1993 - Elsevier
Scientific discovery involves search in a space of hypotheses and a space of experiments.
We describe an investigation of developmental differences in the search constraint …

The processes of scientific discovery: The strategy of experimentation

D Kulkarni, HA Simon - Cognitive science, 1988 - Elsevier
Hans Krebs' discovery, in 1932, of the urea cycle was a major event in biochemistry. This
article describes a program, KEKADA, which models the heuristics Hans Krebs used in this …

[KNYGA][B] Complex problem solving: Principles and mechanisms

RJ Sternberg, PA Frensch - 2014 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Although complex problem solving has emerged as a field of psychology in its own right, the
literature is, for the most part, widely scattered, and often so technical that it is inaccessible to …

Exploratory sequential data analysis: Foundations

PM Sanderson, C Fisher - Human–Computer Interaction, 1994 - Taylor & Francis
Human-computer interaction (HCI) investigators must consider the sequential nature of
interaction and must often weigh behavioral, cognitive, and social factors when studying and …

The diary study: a workplace-oriented research tool to guide laboratory efforts

J Rieman - Proceedings of the INTERACT'93 and CHI'93 …, 1993 - dl.acm.org
Methods for studying user behavior in HCI can be informally divided into two approaches:
experimental psychology in the laboratory and observations in the workplace. The first …