Advanced deep-learning techniques for salient and category-specific object detection: a survey
Object detection, including objectness detection (OD), salient object detection (SOD), and
category-specific object detection (COD), is one of the most fundamental yet challenging …
category-specific object detection (COD), is one of the most fundamental yet challenging …
Salient object detection: A survey
Detecting and segmenting salient objects from natural scenes, often referred to as salient
object detection, has attracted great interest in computer vision. While many models have …
object detection, has attracted great interest in computer vision. While many models have …
Structure-measure: A new way to evaluate foreground maps
Foreground map evaluation is crucial for gauging the progress of object segmentation
algorithms, in particular in the filed of salient object detection where the purpose is to …
algorithms, in particular in the filed of salient object detection where the purpose is to …
Picanet: Learning pixel-wise contextual attention for saliency detection
Contexts play an important role in the saliency detection task. However, given a context
region, not all contextual information is helpful for the final task. In this paper, we propose a …
region, not all contextual information is helpful for the final task. In this paper, we propose a …
Non-local deep features for salient object detection
Saliency detection aims to highlight the most relevant objects in an image. Methods using
conventional models struggle whenever salient objects are pictured on top of a cluttered …
conventional models struggle whenever salient objects are pictured on top of a cluttered …
Dhsnet: Deep hierarchical saliency network for salient object detection
Traditional1 salient object detection models often use hand-crafted features to formulate
contrast and various prior knowledge, and then combine them artificially. In this work, we …
contrast and various prior knowledge, and then combine them artificially. In this work, we …
Deep contrast learning for salient object detection
Salient object detection has recently witnessed substantial progress due to powerful
features extracted using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, existing …
features extracted using deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, existing …
[PDF][PDF] Visual saliency based on multiscale deep features
Visual saliency is a fundamental problem in both cognitive and computational sciences,
including computer vision. In this paper, we discover that a high-quality visual saliency …
including computer vision. In this paper, we discover that a high-quality visual saliency …
Deep networks for saliency detection via local estimation and global search
This paper presents a saliency detection algorithm by integrating both local estimation and
global search. In the local estimation stage, we detect local saliency by using a deep neural …
global search. In the local estimation stage, we detect local saliency by using a deep neural …
Deepsaliency: Multi-task deep neural network model for salient object detection
A key problem in salient object detection is how to effectively model the semantic properties
of salient objects in a data-driven manner. In this paper, we propose a multi-task deep …
of salient objects in a data-driven manner. In this paper, we propose a multi-task deep …