Androgen abuse epidemiology

D Sagoe, S Pallesen - Current Opinion in Endocrinology …, 2018‏ -
From the 1970s, androgen abuse spread from athletes into the general population.
Consistent with previous evidence, reviewed studies suggest that androgen abuse …

[PDF][PDF] Exercise Dependence: An Updated Systematic Review.

J Gonçalves Baptista, PN Costa Filho… - Journal of Exercise …, 2019‏ -
Assis, M, Palma A. Exercise Dependence: An Updated Systematic Review. JEPonline 2019;
22 (5): 105-125. In 2002, Hausenblas and Downs (39) published an important review about …

Body appreciation and body appearance pressure in Norwegian university students comparing exercise science students and other students

C Sundgot-Borgen, J Sundgot-Borgen… - BMC public health, 2021‏ - Springer
Background Body image is considered a core issue for public health and associates with
university students' overall health. Due to positive associations between exercise and body …

Disordered eating among a diverse sample of first-year college students

MT Barrack, J West, M Christopher… - Journal of the …, 2019‏ - Taylor & Francis
Objective: A cross-sectional study of first-year college students was conducted to identify the
prevalence and predictors of disordered eating (DE). Methods: College freshmen students …

Making gains: Hypermuscularity and objectification of male and female Olympic athletes in Sports Illustrated across 60 years

MK Dafferner, J Campagna, RF Rodgers - Body Image, 2019‏ - Elsevier
Female athletes have disproportionately lacked media coverage. The depictions that do
exist have typically been sexualized, which has been described as trivializing their …

[PDF][PDF] Asupan gizi, aktivitas fisik, pengetahuan gizi, status gizi dan kebugaran jasmani guru olahraga sekolah dasar

AR Yunitasari, T Sinaga, R Nurdiani - Media Gizi Indonesia, 2019‏ -
Guru olahraga merupakan figur sentral bagi perubahan sikap dan perilaku hidup sehat
pada siswa, khususnya pada tingkat sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk …

How self-compassion moderates the links between fitspiration use and body concerns in young women

V Seekis, GL Bradley, AL Duffy - Mindfulness, 2021‏ - Springer
Objectives Past research shows that (a) use of appearance-related social networking sites,
such as fitspiration, predicts body concerns and appearance comparisons, and (b) self …

[HTML][HTML] The associations between obsessive compulsive personality traits, self-efficacy, and exercise addiction

CSK Tang, KQ Gan, WK Lui - Behavioral Sciences, 2023‏ -
Exercise addiction refers to maladaptive exercise patterns involving compulsivity and
addiction-like behaviors. Exercise addiction has been found to relate to negative physical …

Women's refusal to be weighed during healthcare visits: Links to body image

VR Winter, K Trout, E Harrop, E O'Neill, R Puhl… - Body Image, 2023‏ - Elsevier
The purpose of this mixed methods study was to assess the relationship between body
image and refusal to be weighed by a healthcare provider among women in the United …

Sociodemographic variables and body mass index associated with the risk of eating disorders in Spanish university students

MC Escolar-Llamazares, MÁ Martínez-Martín… - European Journal of …, 2023‏ -
Background: The passage through university is a complex experience that can heighten
personal susceptibility to eating disorders. The objective of this research is to determine how …