Androgen abuse epidemiology
From the 1970s, androgen abuse spread from athletes into the general population.
Consistent with previous evidence, reviewed studies suggest that androgen abuse …
Consistent with previous evidence, reviewed studies suggest that androgen abuse …
[PDF][PDF] Exercise Dependence: An Updated Systematic Review.
Assis, M, Palma A. Exercise Dependence: An Updated Systematic Review. JEPonline 2019;
22 (5): 105-125. In 2002, Hausenblas and Downs (39) published an important review about …
22 (5): 105-125. In 2002, Hausenblas and Downs (39) published an important review about …
Body appreciation and body appearance pressure in Norwegian university students comparing exercise science students and other students
C Sundgot-Borgen, J Sundgot-Borgen… - BMC public health, 2021 - Springer
Background Body image is considered a core issue for public health and associates with
university students' overall health. Due to positive associations between exercise and body …
university students' overall health. Due to positive associations between exercise and body …
Disordered eating among a diverse sample of first-year college students
Objective: A cross-sectional study of first-year college students was conducted to identify the
prevalence and predictors of disordered eating (DE). Methods: College freshmen students …
prevalence and predictors of disordered eating (DE). Methods: College freshmen students …
Making gains: Hypermuscularity and objectification of male and female Olympic athletes in Sports Illustrated across 60 years
Female athletes have disproportionately lacked media coverage. The depictions that do
exist have typically been sexualized, which has been described as trivializing their …
exist have typically been sexualized, which has been described as trivializing their …
[PDF][PDF] Asupan gizi, aktivitas fisik, pengetahuan gizi, status gizi dan kebugaran jasmani guru olahraga sekolah dasar
Guru olahraga merupakan figur sentral bagi perubahan sikap dan perilaku hidup sehat
pada siswa, khususnya pada tingkat sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk …
pada siswa, khususnya pada tingkat sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk …
How self-compassion moderates the links between fitspiration use and body concerns in young women
Objectives Past research shows that (a) use of appearance-related social networking sites,
such as fitspiration, predicts body concerns and appearance comparisons, and (b) self …
such as fitspiration, predicts body concerns and appearance comparisons, and (b) self …
[HTML][HTML] The associations between obsessive compulsive personality traits, self-efficacy, and exercise addiction
Exercise addiction refers to maladaptive exercise patterns involving compulsivity and
addiction-like behaviors. Exercise addiction has been found to relate to negative physical …
addiction-like behaviors. Exercise addiction has been found to relate to negative physical …
Women's refusal to be weighed during healthcare visits: Links to body image
The purpose of this mixed methods study was to assess the relationship between body
image and refusal to be weighed by a healthcare provider among women in the United …
image and refusal to be weighed by a healthcare provider among women in the United …
Sociodemographic variables and body mass index associated with the risk of eating disorders in Spanish university students
Background: The passage through university is a complex experience that can heighten
personal susceptibility to eating disorders. The objective of this research is to determine how …
personal susceptibility to eating disorders. The objective of this research is to determine how …