Technology to apply driving norms for automated vehicle behavior prediction

G Ma, N Beckage, N Ahmed, I Alvarez - US Patent App. 16/912,241, 2020 - Google Patents
US20200324794A1 - Technology to apply driving norms for automated vehicle behavior
prediction - Google Patents US20200324794A1 - Technology to apply driving norms for …

Planning-aware prediction for control-aware autonomous driving modules

RT Mcallister, BW Wulfe, J Mercat, LM Ellis… - US Patent …, 2024 - Google Patents
A method of generating an output trajectory of an ego vehicle includes recording trajectory
data of the ego vehicle and pedestrian agents from a scene of a training environment of the …

Adaptive rationalizer for vehicle perception systems toward robust automated driving control

M Shahriari, R Zarringhalam, HM Dalzell… - US Patent …, 2024 - Google Patents
A system includes a computing device. The computing device includes a processor and a
memory, the memory including instructions such that the processor is configured to …

Intersection control system, intersection control method, and non-transitory storage medium

M Nagai, D Honda, S Watanabe - US Patent 12,112,625, 2024 - Google Patents
An intersection control system includes: a storage storing multiple pieces of intersection
control information that are different from each other, each piece of the intersection control …

Method for guiding a motor vehicle in an at least partly automated manner

CG Keller, H Mielenz - US Patent 12,005,893, 2024 - Google Patents
A method for at least partly automated driving of a motor vehicle includes receiving
environment signals that represent an environment of the motor vehicle, processing the …