Cancer symptom experience and help-seeking behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: a cross-sectional population survey
Objectives To understand self-reported potential cancer symptom help-seeking behaviours
and attitudes during the first 6 months (March–August 2020) of the UK COVID-19 pandemic …
and attitudes during the first 6 months (March–August 2020) of the UK COVID-19 pandemic …
Management of lung cancer in Africa: Underdiagnosis and poor access to treatment–A close look at Nigeria and West African Sub-region
Lung cancer is of public health importance and imposes a great deal of socioeconomic and
disease burden on the West African subregion and Nigeria in particular. It is one of the most …
disease burden on the West African subregion and Nigeria in particular. It is one of the most …
A systematic review on reporting of methods in national surveys about adults' attitudes to lifestyle and environmental risk factors for cancer
S Faury, P Aurouet, B Quintard, J Foucaud - International Journal of …, 2023 -
The risks of develo** cancer are significantly affected by our lifestyle and environment.
While there are several uncontrollable risk factors, we can modify our lifestyle and our …
While there are several uncontrollable risk factors, we can modify our lifestyle and our …
Intention to have blood-based multi-cancer early detection (MCED) screening: a cross-sectional population-based survey in England
N Schmeising-Barnes, J Waller, LAV Marlow - British Journal of Cancer, 2024 -
Background Trials assessing the clinical utility of blood-based multi-cancer early detection
(MCED) tests are underway. Understanding public attitudes towards MCED screening is …
(MCED) tests are underway. Understanding public attitudes towards MCED screening is …
A text analytics approach for mining public discussions in online cancer forum: Analysis of multi-intent lung cancer treatment dataset
Background Online cancer forums (OCF) are increasingly popular platforms for patients and
caregivers to discuss, seek information on, and share opinions about diseases and …
caregivers to discuss, seek information on, and share opinions about diseases and …
Oesophageal cancer awareness and anticipated time to help-seeking: results from a population-based survey
J Sijben, LJ Huibertse, L Rainey, MJM Broeders… - British Journal of …, 2024 -
Background Modifying public awareness of oesophageal cancer symptoms might help to
decrease late-stage diagnosis and, in turn, improve cancer outcomes. This study aimed to …
decrease late-stage diagnosis and, in turn, improve cancer outcomes. This study aimed to …
Awareness of ovarian cancer symptoms and risk factors in a young ethnically diverse British population
CA Radu, N Matos de Melo Fernandes… - Cancer …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Background Ovarian cancer does not cause many symptoms in the early stages, which is
why the majority of cases are of advanced disease. Increasing awareness of ovarian cancer …
why the majority of cases are of advanced disease. Increasing awareness of ovarian cancer …
Awareness of prostate cancer and its associated factors among male patients attending care in the urology unit at Tikur Anbessa Specialized Hospital, Addis Ababa …
T Gebru, H Mekonnen, N Getahun, F Meseret… - BMJ open, 2023 -
Background Globally, prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men. It is the
second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in men. Symptoms may be non …
second most common cause of cancer-related deaths in men. Symptoms may be non …
[HTML][HTML] Understanding public attitudes and willingness to share commercial data for health research: survey study in the United Kingdom
Background: Health research using commercial data is increasing. The evidence on public
acceptability and sociodemographic characteristics of individuals willing to share …
acceptability and sociodemographic characteristics of individuals willing to share …
Public awareness of environmental risk factors of cancer and attitude towards its prevention among the Lebanese general population
Introduction Since the majority of cancers occur as a result of modifiable risk factors, cancer
is being seen more as a preventable disease. The primary objective of our study was to …
is being seen more as a preventable disease. The primary objective of our study was to …