An overview of computational methods for chemical equilibrium and kinetic calculations for geochemical and reactive transport modeling

AMM Leal, DA Kulik, WR Smith… - Pure and Applied …, 2017 -
We present an overview of novel numerical methods for chemical equilibrium and kinetic
calculations for complex non-ideal multiphase systems. The methods we present for …

Embedded optimization methods for industrial automatic control

HJ Ferreau, S Almér, R Verschueren, M Diehl, D Frick… - IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2017 - Elsevier
Starting in the late 1970s, optimization-based control has built up an impressive track record
of successful industrial applications, in particular in the petrochemical and process …

FORCES NLP: an efficient implementation of interior-point methods for multistage nonlinear nonconvex programs

A Zanelli, A Domahidi, J Jerez… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Real-time implementation of optimisation-based control and trajectory planning can be very
challenging for nonlinear systems. As a result, if an implementation based on a fixed …

[CARTE][B] Nonlinear programming: concepts, algorithms, and applications to chemical processes

LT Biegler - 2010 - SIAM
Chemical engineering applications have been a source of challenging optimization
problems for over 50 years. For many chemical process systems, detailed steady state and …

Knitro: An Integrated Package for Nonlinear Optimization

RH Byrd, J Nocedal, RA Waltz - Large-scale nonlinear optimization, 2006 - Springer
This paper describes K nitro 5.0, a C-package for nonlinear optimization that combines
complementary approaches to nonlinear optimization to achieve robust performance over a …

[HTML][HTML] An algorithmic framework for convex mixed integer nonlinear programs

P Bonami, LT Biegler, AR Conn, G Cornuéjols… - Discrete …, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper is motivated by the fact that mixed integer nonlinear programming is an important
and difficult area for which there is a need for develo** new methods and software for …

Benchmarking optimization solvers for structural topology optimization

S Rojas-Labanda, M Stolpe - Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2015 - Springer
The purpose of this article is to benchmark different optimization solvers when applied to
various finite element based structural topology optimization problems. An extensive and …

Modeling and rendering of weathered stone

J Dorsey, A Edelman, HW Jensen, J Legakis… - ACM SIGGRAPH 2005 …, 2005 -
Stone is widespread in its use as a building material and artistic medium. One of its most
remarkable qualities is that it changes appearance as it interacts with the environment …

Worst-case complexity of an SQP method for nonlinear equality constrained stochastic optimization

FE Curtis, MJ O'Neill, DP Robinson - Mathematical Programming, 2024 - Springer
A worst-case complexity bound is proved for a sequential quadratic optimization (commonly
known as SQP) algorithm that has been designed for solving optimization problems …

Matching-based preprocessing algorithms to the solution of saddle-point problems in large-scale nonconvex interior-point optimization

O Schenk, A Wächter, M Hagemann - Computational Optimization and …, 2007 - Springer
Interior-point methods are among the most efficient approaches for solving large-scale
nonlinear programming problems. At the core of these methods, highly ill-conditioned …