Quantum spin liquids
BACKGROUND Years ago, Lev Landau taught us how to think about distinct phases of
matter through an order parameter that characterizes the symmetry-broken state relative to …
matter through an order parameter that characterizes the symmetry-broken state relative to …
Cold-atom quantum simulators of gauge theories
Gauge theories constitute the basis of the Standard Model and provide useful descriptions of
various phenomena in condensed matter. Realizing gauge theories on tunable tabletop …
various phenomena in condensed matter. Realizing gauge theories on tunable tabletop …
Thermalization dynamics of a gauge theory on a quantum simulator
Gauge theories form the foundation of modern physics, with applications ranging from
elementary particle physics and early-universe cosmology to condensed matter systems. We …
elementary particle physics and early-universe cosmology to condensed matter systems. We …
[KNYGA][B] Quantum information meets quantum matter
After decades of development, quantum information science and technology has now come
to its golden age. It is not only widely believed that quantum information processing offers …
to its golden age. It is not only widely believed that quantum information processing offers …
Quantum spin liquids: a review
Quantum spin liquids may be considered'quantum disordered'ground states of spin systems,
in which zero-point fluctuations are so strong that they prevent conventional magnetic long …
in which zero-point fluctuations are so strong that they prevent conventional magnetic long …
Fracton topological order, generalized lattice gauge theory, and duality
We introduce a generalization of conventional lattice gauge theory to describe fracton
topological phases, which are characterized by immobile, pointlike topological excitations …
topological phases, which are characterized by immobile, pointlike topological excitations …
Experimental signatures of quantum and topological states in frustrated magnetism
Frustration in magnetic materials arising from competing exchange interactions can prevent
the system from adopting long-range magnetic order and can instead lead to a diverse …
the system from adopting long-range magnetic order and can instead lead to a diverse …
Thermal Hall effects in quantum magnets
In the recent years, the thermal Hall transport has risen as an important diagnosis of the
physical properties of the elementary excitations in various quantum materials, especially …
physical properties of the elementary excitations in various quantum materials, especially …
Quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories using ultracold atoms in optical lattices
Can high-energy physics be simulated by low-energy, non-relativistic, many-body systems
such as ultracold atoms? Such ultracold atomic systems lack the type of symmetries and …
such as ultracold atoms? Such ultracold atomic systems lack the type of symmetries and …
Realistic scheme for quantum simulation of lattice gauge theories with dynamical matter in (2 + 1)D
Gauge fields coupled to dynamical matter are ubiquitous in many disciplines of physics,
ranging from particle to condensed matter physics, but their implementation in large-scale …
ranging from particle to condensed matter physics, but their implementation in large-scale …