Focusing on teacher learning opportunities to identify potentially productive coaching activities
Instructional improvement initiatives in many districts include instructional coaching as a
primary form of job-embedded support for teachers. However, the coaching literature …
primary form of job-embedded support for teachers. However, the coaching literature …
Teacher noticing in science education: Do you see what I see?
In recent years, teacher noticing has emerged as a construct to capture the dynamic and
situational aspects of teaching expertise that underlies teachers' in-the-moment teaching …
situational aspects of teaching expertise that underlies teachers' in-the-moment teaching …
Storyline units: An instructional model to support coherence from the students' perspective
BJ Reiser, M Novak, TAW McGill… - Journal of Science …, 2021 - Taylor & Francis
The vision of the Framework and NGSS requires important shifts in teaching approaches
and instructional materials. We argue that this commitment to engaging learners in …
and instructional materials. We argue that this commitment to engaging learners in …
Addressing the epistemic elephant in the room: Epistemic agency and the next generation science standards
Abstract The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS)[Achieve, Inc.[]] represent a broad
consensus that teaching and learning expectations must change. Rather than memorizing …
consensus that teaching and learning expectations must change. Rather than memorizing …
[PDF][PDF] Re-Imagining Disciplinary Learning
In her essay “Unspeakable Things Unspoken,” Toni Morrison guides us into a practice of re-
reading novels that have long defined the canon of American literature to make visible the …
reading novels that have long defined the canon of American literature to make visible the …
[หนังสือ][B] Handbook of the cultural foundations of learning
NS Nasir, CD Lee, R Pea, M McKinney de Royston - 2020 - library.oapen.org
Edited by a diverse group of expert collaborators, the Handbook of the Cultural Foundations
of Learning is a landmark volume that brings together cutting-edge research examining …
of Learning is a landmark volume that brings together cutting-edge research examining …
Equity and justice in science education: Toward a pluriverse of multiple identities and onto‐epistemologies
Abstract Concepts in science education such as “science identity” and “science capital” are
informed by dominant epistemological and ontological positions, which translate into …
informed by dominant epistemological and ontological positions, which translate into …
Expanding the interpretive power of psychological science by attending to culture
LM Brady, SA Fryberg, Y Shoda - Proceedings of the National Academy of …, 2018 - pnas.org
A lack of interpretive power (ie, the ability to understand individuals' experiences and
behaviors in relation to their cultural contexts) undermines psychology's understanding of …
behaviors in relation to their cultural contexts) undermines psychology's understanding of …
“Making space”: How novice teachers create opportunities for equitable sense-making in elementary science
Scholarly calls to reform science education for all students emphasize scientific sense-
making. Despite the importance of sense-making, few strategies exist to help novice …
making. Despite the importance of sense-making, few strategies exist to help novice …
Improving science achievement—Is it possible? Evaluating the efficacy of a high school chemistry and physics project-based learning intervention
Crafting Engaging Science Environments is a high school chemistry and physics project-
based learning intervention that meets Next Generation Science Standards performance …
based learning intervention that meets Next Generation Science Standards performance …