Substance abuse in women
Gender differences in rates of substance abuse have been consistently observed in the
general population and treatment-seeking samples, with men exhibiting significantly higher …
general population and treatment-seeking samples, with men exhibiting significantly higher …
From generic to gender-responsive treatment: Changes in social policies, treatment services, and outcomes of women in substance abuse treatment
In the past three decades, there has been increased recognition of the role of gender in
influencing the course of substance use and treatment utilization. Concurrently, a substantial …
influencing the course of substance use and treatment utilization. Concurrently, a substantial …
Gender responsive treatment and services in correctional settings
SS Covington, BE Bloom - Inside and out, 2014 -
As the number of women under correctional supervision continues to increase, there is an
emerging awareness that women offenders present different issues than their male …
emerging awareness that women offenders present different issues than their male …
[PDF][PDF] The relational theory of women's psychological development: Implications for the criminal justice system
S Covington - Female offenders: Critical perspectives and …, 1998 -
Some of the most neglected and misunderstood women and girls in our society are those in
our jails, prisons, community and juvenile correctional facilities. Because women and girls' …
our jails, prisons, community and juvenile correctional facilities. Because women and girls' …
An eight-year perspective on the relationship between the duration of abstinence and other aspects of recovery
Using data from 1,162 people entering treatment and followed up (> 94%) for 8 years, this
article examines the relationship between the duration of abstinence (1 month to 5 or more …
article examines the relationship between the duration of abstinence (1 month to 5 or more …
Mothers in substance abuse treatment: Differences in characteristics based on involvement with child welfare services
PROBLEM: Greater awareness of the role of parental substance abuse in child maltreatment
makes it imperative that the substance abuse treatment and child welfare systems …
makes it imperative that the substance abuse treatment and child welfare systems …
Gender comparisons of drug abuse treatment outcomes and predictors
YI Hser, D Huang, C Teruya, MD Anglin - Drug and alcohol dependence, 2003 - Elsevier
Gender differences in drug treatment outcomes and predictors were examined among a
sample of 511 patients recruited from drug treatment programs across Los Angeles County …
sample of 511 patients recruited from drug treatment programs across Los Angeles County …
Extending poly-victimization theory: Differential effects of adolescents' experiences of victimization on substance use disorder diagnoses upon treatment entry
Background Although victimization is a known contributor to the development of substance
use disorders, no research has simultaneously examined how characteristics of victimization …
use disorders, no research has simultaneously examined how characteristics of victimization …
The nature and extent of child protection involvement among heroin‐using mothers in treatment: High rates of reports, removals at birth and children in care
Introduction and Aims A substantial proportion of women in treatment for substance use
problems are mothers of dependent children, but only a small number of studies have …
problems are mothers of dependent children, but only a small number of studies have …
Women-only and mixed-gender drug abuse treatment programs: Service needs, utilization and outcomes
N Niv, YI Hser - Drug and alcohol dependence, 2007 - Elsevier
OBJECTIVES: This prospective longitudinal study examined service needs, utilization and
outcomes for 189 women in women-only (WO) programs and 871 women in mixed-gender …
outcomes for 189 women in women-only (WO) programs and 871 women in mixed-gender …