[HTML][HTML] Correlation coefficients of hesitant fuzzy sets and their applications to clustering analysis
Hesitant fuzzy sets (HFSs), which allow the membership degree of an element to a set
represented by several possible values, can be considered as a powerful tool to express …
represented by several possible values, can be considered as a powerful tool to express …
Correlation coefficients for picture fuzzy sets
Picture fuzzy sets are extension of Atanassov's intuitionistic fuzzy sets. Picture fuzzy set
based models may be adequate in situations when we face human opinions involving more …
based models may be adequate in situations when we face human opinions involving more …
Improved correlation coefficients of single valued neutrosophic sets and interval neutrosophic sets for multiple attribute decision making
Due to some drawbacks of the correlation coefficient between single valued neutrosophic
sets (SVNSs) in dealing with decision-making problems and clustering analysis, the existing …
sets (SVNSs) in dealing with decision-making problems and clustering analysis, the existing …
Fermatean fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making based on Spearman rank correlation coefficient
Real-world decision-making challenges tend to evolve into more intricate scenarios over
time. In this context, the Fermatean fuzzy set emerges as an efficient and convenient …
time. In this context, the Fermatean fuzzy set emerges as an efficient and convenient …
Pythagorean fuzzy multi-criteria decision-making approach based on Spearman rank correlation coefficient
Due to the complexity of objective world, as well as the ambiguity of human thinking, the
practical decision-making issues become more and more difficult. Pythagorean fuzzy set is …
practical decision-making issues become more and more difficult. Pythagorean fuzzy set is …
Linear diophantine fuzzy clustering algorithm based on correlation coefficient and analysis on logistic efficiency of food products
The significance of clustering algorithms lies in their ability to distinguish problems and
devise customized solutions. In the broader context of clustering, fuzzy clustering is one of …
devise customized solutions. In the broader context of clustering, fuzzy clustering is one of …
Applications of a picture fuzzy correlation coefficient in pattern analysis and decision-making
Picture fuzzy set is an efficient tool for dealing with uncertainty and vagueness, particularly in
situations that require assimilation of more dimensions of linguistic assessment such as …
situations that require assimilation of more dimensions of linguistic assessment such as …
[کتاب][B] Multi criteria decision making using correlation coefficient under rough neutrosophic environment
S Pramanik, R Roy, TK Roy, F Smarandache - 2017 - books.google.com
Page 1 Neutrosophic Sets and Systems, Vol. 17, 2017 29 NSS University of New Mexico Multi
criteria decision making using correlation coefficient under rough neutrosophic environment …
criteria decision making using correlation coefficient under rough neutrosophic environment …
Correlation measure of hesitant fuzzy soft sets and their application in decision making
Hesitant fuzzy soft set (HFSS) allows each element to have different number of parameters
and the values of those parameters are represented by multiple possible membership …
and the values of those parameters are represented by multiple possible membership …
Correlation coefficients of interval neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy sets and its application in a multiple attribute decision making method
This paper proposes the concept of an interval neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set (INHFS) and
the operational relations of INHFSs. Then, we develop correlation coefficients of INHFSs and …
the operational relations of INHFSs. Then, we develop correlation coefficients of INHFSs and …