Automatic station identification where function modules automatically initialize
SG Dorfe, JM Jordan - US Patent 5,204,669, 1993 - Google Patents
The present invention provides a method and apparatus for dynamically assigning
addresses and determining the configuration of a plurality of programmable func tion …
addresses and determining the configuration of a plurality of programmable func tion …
Sensor networks for monitoring pipelines and power lines
RW Twitchell Jr - US Patent 7,705,747, 2010 - Google Patents
* 3 power lines and communicating sensor data; a first remote sensor interface (RSI)
comprising a data communications device capable of receiving the sensor data …
comprising a data communications device capable of receiving the sensor data …
Battery powered wireless transceiver having LPRF component and second wake up receiver
RW Twitchell Jr - US Patent 7,209,771, 2007 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A Wireless transceiver includes a loW poWer radio frequency (LPRF)
component that poWers doWn to conserve energy and poWers up in response to a signal; …
component that poWers doWn to conserve energy and poWers up in response to a signal; …
Automatic assignment of addresses in a computer communications network
SS Sathaye, B Hannigan, WR Hawe - US Patent 5,517,617, 1996 - Google Patents
The apparatus stores a manual flag having a stored manual flag logic value, and the manual
flag is stored in a first non-volatile memory. The apparatus stores a trusted flag having a …
flag is stored in a first non-volatile memory. The apparatus stores a trusted flag having a …
Communications within population of wireless transceivers based on common designation
RW Twitchell Jr - US Patent 7,221,668, 2007 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data Continuation-in-part of application No. 10/604,032, filed on
Jun. 23, 2003, now Pat. No. 6,934,540, which is a continuation-in-part of application No …
Jun. 23, 2003, now Pat. No. 6,934,540, which is a continuation-in-part of application No …
Allocation of IP address by proxy to device in a local area network
CJ Buse, AP White, D Kirby, R Allsworth… - US Patent …, 2004 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A device is discovered on a network by means of a discovery protocol
operated by a proxy and a protocol address for the device is obtained if required by the …
operated by a proxy and a protocol address for the device is obtained if required by the …
System which routes radio transmissions to selected repeaters for retransmission
CA Burns - US Patent 5,129,096, 1992 - Google Patents
[57] ABSTRACT A radio transmission system designed to operate on a single de? ned
frequency channel. The system comprises a central receiver (12), at least one transmitter …
frequency channel. The system comprises a central receiver (12), at least one transmitter …
Network formation in asset-tracking system based on asset class
RW Twitchell Jr - US Patent 6,934,540, 2005 - Google Patents
(Continued) dynamically distributed hierarchical database system. Furthermore, a recipient
transceiver selectively receives communications from other local transceivers by transmit …
transceiver selectively receives communications from other local transceivers by transmit …
Using wake-up receivers for soft hand-off in wireless communications
RW Twitchell Jr - US Patent 7,529,547, 2009 - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS 7,012,529 B2 3/2006 Sajkowsky 7,027,773 B1 4/2006 McMillin
5,579,306 A 1 1/1996 Dent 7,098,784 B2 8/2006 Easley et al. 5,590,409 A 12/1996 …
5,579,306 A 1 1/1996 Dent 7,098,784 B2 8/2006 Easley et al. 5,590,409 A 12/1996 …
Wireless communication system with parallel polling
KM Klughart - US Patent 5,025,486, 1991 - Google Patents
57) ABSTRACT A system which can provide short-range wireless data communication
between a base station and a portable low-power module. Each portable module has an …
between a base station and a portable low-power module. Each portable module has an …