Communication and opinion
DR Kinder - Annual review of political science, 1998 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract This chapter reviews the vast and sprawling literature that seeeks to illuminate and
explain the effects of mass communication on American public opinion. Klapper's famous …
explain the effects of mass communication on American public opinion. Klapper's famous …
Agenda setting through social media: The importance of incidental news exposure and social filtering in the digital era
JT Feezell - Political research quarterly, 2018 - journals.sagepub.com
Conventional models of agenda setting hold that mainstream media influence the public
agenda by leading audience attention, and perceived importance, to certain issues …
agenda by leading audience attention, and perceived importance, to certain issues …
[CARTE][B] Lobbying and policy change: Who wins, who loses, and why
During the 2008 election season, politicians from both sides of the aisle promised to rid
government of lobbyists' undue influence. For the authors of Lobbying and Policy Change …
government of lobbyists' undue influence. For the authors of Lobbying and Policy Change …
[CARTE][B] Setting the agenda: Mass media and public opinion
M McCombs, S Valenzuela - 2020 - books.google.com
News media strongly influence how we picture public affairs across the world, playing a
significant and sometimes controversial role in determining which topics are at the centre of …
significant and sometimes controversial role in determining which topics are at the centre of …
[CARTE][B] Influence: Science and practice
RB Cialdini - 2009 - knjizara.com
Sada slobodno mogu to da priznam. Celog života sam bio žrtva. Koliko mogu da se setim,
bio sam laka meta za ubeđivanja putujućih trgovaca, osoba koje prikupljaju novčane priloge …
bio sam laka meta za ubeđivanja putujućih trgovaca, osoba koje prikupljaju novčane priloge …
[CARTE][B] The politics of attention: How government prioritizes problems
BD Jones, FR Baumgartner - 2005 - books.google.com
On any given day, policymakers are required to address a multitude of problems and make
decisions about a variety of issues, from the economy and education to health care and …
decisions about a variety of issues, from the economy and education to health care and …
[CARTE][B] Comparative policy agendas: Theory, tools, data
The Comparative Agendas Project (CAP) brings together data on government activities in
over twenty countries, and provides a consistent categorizing system to understand when a …
over twenty countries, and provides a consistent categorizing system to understand when a …
[CARTE][B] Психология влияния. Убеждай, воздействуй, защищайся
Р Чалдини - 2023 - books.google.com
Что может заставить человека сказать «да»? Каковы принципы и наиболее
эффективные приемы влияния и убеждения? Исчерпывающие ответы на эти вопросы …
эффективные приемы влияния и убеждения? Исчерпывающие ответы на эти вопросы …
[CARTE][B] Comunicazione e potere
M Castells - 2014 - books.google.com
I media sono lo spazio dove oggi si decide la lotta politica fra attori, idee e interessi
contrapposti. Se le élite politiche cercano di imporre i propri modelli interpretativi sugli eventi …
contrapposti. Se le élite politiche cercano di imporre i propri modelli interpretativi sugli eventi …
[CARTE][B] The resha** of West European party politics: Agenda-setting and party competition in comparative perspective
C Green-Pedersen - 2019 - books.google.com
Long gone are the times when class-based political parties with extensive membership
dominated politics. Instead, party politics has become issue-based. Surprisingly few studies …
dominated politics. Instead, party politics has become issue-based. Surprisingly few studies …