On the propagation of cnoidal wave and overtaking collision of slow shear Alfvén solitons in low β magnetized plasmas
The overtaking collisional phenomenon of slow shear Alfvén solitons are studied in a low
beta (β= kinetic pressure/magnetic pressure) collisionless, magnetized plasma consisting of …
beta (β= kinetic pressure/magnetic pressure) collisionless, magnetized plasma consisting of …
The attributes of the dust-acoustic solitary and periodic structures in the Saturn's inner magnetosphere
Nonlinear characteristics of dust-acoustic (DA) structures including the localized and
periodic waves in a plasma having Maxwellian ions and superthermal two-temperature …
periodic waves in a plasma having Maxwellian ions and superthermal two-temperature …
Investigation of supernonlinear and nonlinear ion-acoustic waves in a magnetized electron-ion plasma with generalized (r, q) distributed electrons
Bifurcations of nonlinear and supernonlinear ion-acoustic waves (IAWs) are studied in an
electron-ion plasmas with generalized (r, q)-distributed electrons. The IAWs are examined …
electron-ion plasmas with generalized (r, q)-distributed electrons. The IAWs are examined …
[HTML][HTML] Contribution of the generalized (r, q) distributed electrons in the formation of nonlinear ion acoustic waves in upper ionospheric plasmas
The properties of ion acoustic solitary and periodic structures are studied in magnetized two-
ion component (O+− H+− e) plasmas with (r, q) distributed electrons. It is found that two …
ion component (O+− H+− e) plasmas with (r, q) distributed electrons. It is found that two …
Interaction of electron acoustic solitons in auroral region for an electron beam plasma system
The propagation of linear and nonlinear electron acoustic waves (EAWs) in an
unmagnetized plasma, comprising dynamical inertial electrons, hot (r, q) distributed …
unmagnetized plasma, comprising dynamical inertial electrons, hot (r, q) distributed …
A new reductive perturbation formalism for ion acoustic cnoidal waves
A new formalism for the derivation of the cnoidal wave solution is presented by introducing a
new set of initial conditions and a subacoustic moving frame. The resulting set of solutions is …
new set of initial conditions and a subacoustic moving frame. The resulting set of solutions is …
Physical aspects of cnoidal waves in non-thermal electron-beam plasma systems
The effects of electron beam and non-thermal electrons on ion-acoustic cnoidal waves
(IACWs) structure in a two-fluid plasma system are investigated. A Kappa-Cairns type …
(IACWs) structure in a two-fluid plasma system are investigated. A Kappa-Cairns type …
Ion acoustic waves in generalized electron distributed unmagnetized plasmas
Ion-acoustic shock waves are studied in an unmagnetized plasma consisting of Cairns-
Tsallis distributed electrons and cold ions. The dissipa-tion is introduced in the system via …
Tsallis distributed electrons and cold ions. The dissipa-tion is introduced in the system via …