Production allocation: Rosetta Stone or red herring? Best practices for understanding produced oils in resource plays

CD Barrie, CM Donohue, JA Zumberge, JE Zumberge - Minerals, 2020 -
The production of crude oil from resource plays has increased enormously over the past
decade. In the USA, around 63% of total output in 2019 was from unconventional …

A statistical approach to understanding fluid geochemistry changes in unconventional plays

CD Barrie, CM Donohue, JA Zumberge - SPE/AAPG/SEG …, 2020 -
Over the past 5 years there has been a huge increase in the production of crude oil from
unconventional shale plays. During this time the major unconventional plays in the USA (eg …

Trace elements and organic geochemical fingerprinting of natural crude oils from the Monterey Formation, offshore Santa Maria Basin, California

W Yang, JF Casey, Y Gao, KK Bissada… - Marine and Petroleum …, 2023 - Elsevier
Based on our recent analytical method development using microwave digestion and triple-
quad ICP-MS, we have analyzed up to 57 elements for 20 natural crude oil samples from the …

[HTML][HTML] An original deconvolution approach for oil production allocation based on geochemical fingerprinting

L Sandoval, M Riva, P Franco, I Colombo, R Galimberti… - Fuel, 2022 - Elsevier
We tackle oil commingling scenarios and develop an original deconvolution approach for
geochemical production allocation. This yields robust assessment of the proportions of oils …

Probabilistic study of fluid migration and allocation of underground energy resources

RL Sandoval Pabon - 2023 -
In the context of energy production, hydrocarbons have consistently played a salient role in
the global energy matrix. Current reports and policies suggest that their importance will …

[PDF][PDF] Optimasi Produksi Menggunakan Pompa Esp Terhadap Aliran Commingle Pada Sumur X

M Irwan - 2022 -
Rasa syukur disampaikan kepada Allah SWT atas rahmat dan limpahan ilmu dari-Nya
sehingga penulis dapat menyelesaikan skripsi ini. Penulisan skripsi ini merupakan salah …

Production Allocation Using Combined Geochemical Fingerprinting and Multivariate Curve Resolution

G Vannier, N Bernard, N Brun, O Ruau… - Third EAGE …, 2021 -
Production Allocation by geochemical fingerprinting is widely used to quantify relative
proportions of liquid hydrocarbons produced from distinct reservoir layers, wells or fields. In …

Method of geochemical characterization, production allocation, and monitoring using trace and ultra-trace element analysis

JF Casey, Y Gao, W Yang, LI Jiaxuan - US Patent 11,460,408, 2022 - Google Patents
US11460408B2 - Method of geochemical characterization, production allocation, and monitoring
using trace and ultra-trace element analysis - Google Patents US11460408B2 - Method of …

Using Time Lapse Geochemistry (TLG) to Understand Fluid Production Changes: A Case Study from the Delaware Basin

CD Barrie, CM Donohue, JA Zumberge, JE Zumberge - 2020 -
Over the past 5 years there has been a huge increase in the production of crude oil from
unconventional shale plays. During this time the major unconventional plays in the USA (eg …