Modern Hardware Security: A Review of Attacks and Countermeasures

J Mishra, SK Sahay - arxiv preprint arxiv:2501.04394, 2025 -
With the exponential rise in the use of cloud services, smart devices, and IoT devices,
advanced cyber attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and ubiquitous …

SoK: Instruction Set Extensions for Cryptographers

H Cheng, J Großschädl, B Marshall, D Page… - Cryptology ePrint …, 2024 -
Framed within the general context of cyber-security, standard cryptographic constructions
often represent an enabling technology for associated solutions. Alongside or in …

On entropy and bit patterns of ring oscillator jitter

MJO Saarinen - 2021 Asian Hardware Oriented Security and …, 2021 -
Thermal jitter (phase noise) from a free-running ring oscillator is a common, easily
implementable physical randomness source in True Random Number Generators (TRNGs) …

Optimizing linear correctors: A tight output min-entropy bound and selection technique

M Grujić, I Verbauwhede - IEEE Transactions on Information …, 2023 -
Post-processing of the raw bits produced by a true random number generator (TRNG) is
always necessary when the entropy per bit is insufficient for security applications. In this …

Overview of the modern SoC design technologies and open softprocessor architectures

M Miroshnyk, I Filippenko, V Korniienko… - 2023 13th …, 2023 -
The analysis of existing platforms and tools for designing systems on chip is given. The
variants of soft-processor architectures that are relevant at the current moment are …

Перспективи використання гібридних Softcore архітектур на базі RISC-V

ВР Корнієнко, ІВ Філіппенко - 2023 -
Анотація Метою доповіді є огляд існуючих варіантів реалізації архітектури RISCV та
аналіз відкритих інструментів проектування, які можна використовувати під час повного …