Why aquatic scientists should use sulfur stable isotope ratios (ẟ34S) more often
Over the last few decades, measurements of light stable isotope ratios have been
increasingly used to answer questions across physiology, biology, ecology, and …
increasingly used to answer questions across physiology, biology, ecology, and …
[HTML][HTML] Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of archaeological human hair: Reconstructing diet and health of ancient individuals
A Mora - Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
Stable isotope analysis is a powerful tool for reconstructing the diet and health of ancient
individuals. The carbon and nitrogen stable isotope compositions of human tissues reflect …
individuals. The carbon and nitrogen stable isotope compositions of human tissues reflect …
What's the catch? Archaeological application of rapid collagen-based species identification for Pacific Salmon
Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) are ecological and cultural keystone species along the
Northwest Coast of North America and are ubiquitous in archaeological sites of the region …
Northwest Coast of North America and are ubiquitous in archaeological sites of the region …
When alien catfish meet—Resource overlap between the North American Ictalurus punctatus and immature European Silurus glanis in the Arno River (Italy)
Due to the increasing globalisation and ongoing introduction of alien species specifically
regarding European freshwater ecosystems, native and already present alien species will …
regarding European freshwater ecosystems, native and already present alien species will …
Dog-human dietary relationships in Yup'ik western Alaska: the stable isotope and zooarchaeological evidence from pre-contact Nunalleq
Historically and ethnographically dogs have been an important resource for Arctic and
subarctic societies—providing protection, fur and meat, as well as aiding hunting and …
subarctic societies—providing protection, fur and meat, as well as aiding hunting and …
Palaeoproteomic analyses of dog palaeofaeces reveal a preserved dietary and host digestive proteome
The domestic dog has inhabited the anthropogenic niche for at least 15 000 years, but
despite their impact on human strategies, the lives of dogs and their interactions with …
despite their impact on human strategies, the lives of dogs and their interactions with …
Nunalleq: archaeology, climate change, and community engagement in a Yup'ik village
In this paper, we present an overview of the most recent results of the ongoing research on
the Nunalleq site in Southwestern Alaska, a late pre-contact Yupik settlement. This endeavor …
the Nunalleq site in Southwestern Alaska, a late pre-contact Yupik settlement. This endeavor …
[HTML][HTML] Reconstructing caribou seasonal biogeography in Little Ice Age (late Holocene) Western Alaska using intra-tooth strontium and oxygen isotope analysis
The palaeobiogeography of key prey-species can provide valuable insights into animal-
human interactions, human subsistence activities and landscape use in the past. In many …
human interactions, human subsistence activities and landscape use in the past. In many …
Ancient Beringian paleodiets revealed through multiproxy stable isotope analyses
The earliest Native Americans have often been portrayed as either megafaunal specialists
or generalist foragers, but this debate cannot be resolved by studying the faunal record …
or generalist foragers, but this debate cannot be resolved by studying the faunal record …
[HTML][HTML] Bulk and amino acid isotope analyses of hair detail adult diets and infant feeding practices among pre-and post-maize populations of the northern Chilean …
This study investigates diet heterogeneity among Chinchorro and Inca adults and subadults
living on the northern Chilean coast of the Atacama Desert before and after the introduction …
living on the northern Chilean coast of the Atacama Desert before and after the introduction …