Ménage à trois in the human gut: interactions between host, bacteria and phages
The human gut is host to one of the densest microbial communities known, the gut
microbiota, which contains bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi and other microbial eukaryotes …
microbiota, which contains bacteria, archaea, viruses, fungi and other microbial eukaryotes …
Viruses defined by the position of the virosphere within the replicator space
Originally, viruses were defined as miniscule infectious agents that passed through filters
that retain even the smallest cells. Subsequently, viruses were considered obligate …
that retain even the smallest cells. Subsequently, viruses were considered obligate …
Healthy human gut phageome
The role of bacteriophages in influencing the structure and function of the healthy human gut
microbiome is unknown. With few exceptions, previous studies have found a high level of …
microbiome is unknown. With few exceptions, previous studies have found a high level of …
Studying the gut virome in the metagenomic era: challenges and perspectives
The human gut harbors a complex ecosystem of microorganisms, including bacteria and
viruses. With the rise of next-generation sequencing technologies, we have seen a quantum …
viruses. With the rise of next-generation sequencing technologies, we have seen a quantum …
Unraveling the viral dark matter through viral metagenomics
Viruses are part of the microbiome and have essential roles in immunology, evolution,
biogeochemical cycles, health, and disease progression. Viruses influence a wide variety of …
biogeochemical cycles, health, and disease progression. Viruses influence a wide variety of …
A network-based integrated framework for predicting virus–prokaryote interactions
Metagenomic sequencing has greatly enhanced the discovery of viral genomic sequences;
however, it remains challenging to identify the host (s) of these new viruses. We developed …
however, it remains challenging to identify the host (s) of these new viruses. We developed …
Virus diversity and interactions with hosts in deep-sea hydrothermal vents
Background The deep sea harbors many viruses, yet their diversity and interactions with
hosts in hydrothermal ecosystems are largely unknown. Here, we analyzed the viral …
hosts in hydrothermal ecosystems are largely unknown. Here, we analyzed the viral …
The virome from a collection of endomycorrhizal fungi reveals new viral taxa with unprecedented genome organization
Mutualistic plant-associated fungi are recognized as important drivers in plant evolution,
diversity, and health. The discovery that mycoviruses can take part and play important roles …
diversity, and health. The discovery that mycoviruses can take part and play important roles …
Expanding the marine virosphere using metagenomics
Viruses infecting prokaryotic cells (phages) are the most abundant entities of the biosphere
and contain a largely uncharted wealth of genomic diversity. They play a critical role in the …
and contain a largely uncharted wealth of genomic diversity. They play a critical role in the …
Past, present, and future of arenavirus taxonomy
Until recently, members of the monogeneric family Arenaviridae (arenaviruses) have been
known to infect only muroid rodents and, in one case, possibly phyllostomid bats. The …
known to infect only muroid rodents and, in one case, possibly phyllostomid bats. The …