Molecular and evolutionary processes generating variation in gene expression
Heritable variation in gene expression is common within and between species. This
variation arises from mutations that alter the form or function of molecular gene regulatory …
variation arises from mutations that alter the form or function of molecular gene regulatory …
Sequencing pools of individuals—mining genome-wide polymorphism data without big funding
The analysis of polymorphism data is becoming increasingly important as a complementary
tool to classical genetic analyses. Nevertheless, despite plunging sequencing costs …
tool to classical genetic analyses. Nevertheless, despite plunging sequencing costs …
Tempo and mode of regulatory evolution in Drosophila
Genetic changes affecting gene expression contribute to phenotypic divergence; thus,
understanding how regulatory networks controlling gene expression change over time is …
understanding how regulatory networks controlling gene expression change over time is …
[PDF][PDF] Evolutionary dynamics of regulatory changes underlying gene expression divergence among Saccharomyces species
Heritable changes in gene expression are important contributors to phenotypic differences
within and between species and are caused by mutations in cis-regulatory elements and …
within and between species and are caused by mutations in cis-regulatory elements and …
Temperature Stress Mediates Decanalization and Dominance of Gene Expression in Drosophila melanogaster
The regulatory architecture of gene expression remains an area of active research. Here, we
studied how the interplay of genetic and environmental variation affects gene expression by …
studied how the interplay of genetic and environmental variation affects gene expression by …
Cis- and Trans-regulatory Effects on Gene Expression in a Natural Population of Drosophila melanogaster
Cis-and trans-regulatory mutations are important contributors to transcriptome evolution.
Quantifying their relative contributions to intraspecific variation in gene expression is …
Quantifying their relative contributions to intraspecific variation in gene expression is …
Few Fixed Variants between Trophic Specialist Pupfish Species Reveal Candidate Cis-Regulatory Alleles Underlying Rapid Craniofacial Divergence
Investigating closely related species that rapidly evolved divergent feeding morphology is a
powerful approach to identify genetic variation underlying variation in complex traits. This …
powerful approach to identify genetic variation underlying variation in complex traits. This …
Evolution of gene regulation during transcription and translation
Understanding how gene regulation evolves is a key area in the current evolutionary field.
Gene regulation occurs at various levels. Previous work on the evolution of gene regulation …
Gene regulation occurs at various levels. Previous work on the evolution of gene regulation …
The Interplay of Temperature and Genotype on Patterns of Alternative Splicing in Drosophila melanogaster
Alternative splicing is the highly regulated process of variation in the removal of introns from
premessenger-RNA transcripts. The consequences of alternative splicing on the phenotype …
premessenger-RNA transcripts. The consequences of alternative splicing on the phenotype …
Gene regulatory evolution during speciation in a songbird
JH Davidson, CN Balakrishnan - G3: Genes, Genomes …, 2016 - academic.oup.com
Over the last decade, tremendous progress has been made toward a comparative
understanding of gene regulatory evolution. However, we know little about how gene …
understanding of gene regulatory evolution. However, we know little about how gene …