Recent advances in local feature detector and descriptor: a literature survey

K Joshi, MI Patel - International Journal of Multimedia Information …, 2020 - Springer
The computer vision system is the technology that deals with identifying and detecting the
objects of a particular class in digital images and videos. Local feature detection and …

Local feature descriptor for image matching: A survey

C Leng, H Zhang, B Li, G Cai, Z Pei, L He - IEEE Access, 2018 -
Image registration is an important technique in many computer vision applications such as
image fusion, image retrieval, object tracking, face recognition, change detection and so on …

Intelligent system utilizing HOG and CNN for thermal image-based detection of wild animals in nocturnal periods for vehicle safety

Y Munian, A Martinez-Molina, D Miserlis… - Applied Artificial …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Animal Vehicle Collision, commonly called roadkill, is an emerging threat to
drivers and wild animals, increasing fatalities every year. Currently, prevalent methods using …

[HTML][HTML] Cross-evaluation of a parallel operating SVM–CNN classifier for reliable internal decision-making processes in composite inspection

S Meister, M Wermes, J Stueve, RM Groves - Journal of Manufacturing …, 2021 - Elsevier
In the aerospace industry, automated fibre laying processes are often applied for
economical composite part fabrication. Unfortunately, the current mandatory visual quality …

Summarizing surveillance videos with local-patch-learning-based abnormality detection, blob sequence optimization, and type-based synopsis

W Lin, Y Zhang, J Lu, B Zhou, J Wang, Y Zhou - Neurocomputing, 2015 - Elsevier
In this paper, we propose a new approach to detect abnormal activities in surveillance
videos and create suitable summary videos accordingly. The proposed approach first …

Intelligent system for detection of wild animals using HOG and CNN in automobile applications

Y Munian, A Martinez-Molina… - 2020 11th International …, 2020 -
Animal Vehicle Collision, commonly called as roadkill, is an emerging threat to humans and
wild animals with increasing fatalities every year. Amid Vehicular crashes, animal actions (ie …

A heat-map-based algorithm for recognizing group activities in videos

W Lin, H Chu, J Wu, B Sheng… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2013 -
In this paper, a new heat-map-based algorithm is proposed for group activity recognition.
The proposed algorithm first models human trajectories as series of heat sources and then …

Object detection using edge histogram of oriented gradient

H Ren, ZN Li - 2014 IEEE international conference on image …, 2014 -
In this paper, we address the object detection problem by a proposed gradient feature, the
Edge Histogram of Oriented Gradient (Edge-HOG). Edge-HOG consists of several blocks …

Kill two birds with one stone: Boosting both object detection accuracy and speed with adaptive patch-of-interest composition

S Zhang, W Lin, P Lu, W Li… - 2017 IEEE International …, 2017 -
Object detection is an important yet challenging task in video understanding & analysis,
where one major challenge lies in the proper balance between two contradictive factors …

PLS-CCA heterogeneous features fusion-based low-resolution human detection method for outdoor video surveillance

HK Chen, XG Zhao, SY Sun, M Tan - International Journal of Automation …, 2017 - Springer
In this paper, we focus on low-resolution human detection and propose a partial least
squares-canonical correlation analysis (PLS-CCA) for outdoor video surveillance. The …