Context-sensitive collaboration in service processes through the integration of telecommunication technology and business process management

M Reiter, C Houy, P Fettke… - 2013 46th Hawaii …, 2013 -
In this paper an approach will be presented which uses data from Business Process
Management Systems (BPMS) to determine the communication context of individuals in …

Anpassungsfähige Kontextbestimmung zur Unterstützung von Kommunikationsdiensten

J Schmitt - 2009 -
Der Fortschritt der Telekommunikation war im 20. Jahrhundert hauptsächlich davon geprägt,
die Leistungsfähigkeit und Funktionalität monolithischer Kommunikationssysteme weiter zu …

Sensorbasiertes Monitoring zur kontextsensitiven Unterstützung von Wissensarbeit

M Kropff - 2011 -
In der modernen Informationsgesellschaft ist es für die steigende Anzahl von
Wissensarbeitern immer notwendiger, die Zeitphasen hoch geistiger Arbeit vor den …

[PDF][PDF] Fine-grained access control enabling privacy support in wireless sensor networks

D Christin, A Reinhardt, SS Kanhere… - Proceedings of the 9th …, 2010 -
The deployment of wireless sensor networks may endanger the privacy of people monitored
on purpose or unintentionally. To enhance the control of the surveilled people over their …

[PDF][PDF] CPaaS: Context Processing as a Service

A Alhamoud, S Bergsträßer, D Böhnstedt… -
The increasing number of sensing devices present in our everyday environments has led to
an unprecedented amount of data about users and their situational context. To use this data …

[PDF][PDF] Promoting Business Process Management Excellence in Russia

S Klein, H Kuchen, U Müller-Funk, G Vossen - Citeseer
BPM research has been of great importance in Germany since the early 1990s. In Russia,
increased competition and new IT possibilities have only recently forced both companies …