Travel-based multitasking: review of the empirical evidence
This paper reviews 58 studies with empirical evidence on travel-based multitasking,
identifies gaps in terms of data collection methods and provides a comprehensive review of …
identifies gaps in terms of data collection methods and provides a comprehensive review of …
Travel-based multitasking: review of the role of digital activities and connectivity
J Pawlak - Transport reviews, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Travel-based multitasking, also referred to as travel time use, is now a well-established
concept, whose existence is supported by the technological trajectories, with mobile …
concept, whose existence is supported by the technological trajectories, with mobile …
“Not just a taxi”? For-profit ridesharing, driver strategies, and VMT
DN Anderson - Transportation, 2014 - Springer
The spread of GPS-based location services using smartphone applications has led to the
rapid growth of new startups offering smartphone-enabled dispatch service for taxicabs …
rapid growth of new startups offering smartphone-enabled dispatch service for taxicabs …
The effects of lead time of take-over request and nondriving tasks on taking-over control of automated vehicles
Automated vehicles have received great attention, since they offer the possibility of
significantly increasing traffic safety, mobility, and driver comfort. Current automation …
significantly increasing traffic safety, mobility, and driver comfort. Current automation …
Fully automated vehicles: the use of travel time and its association with intention to use
Traditionally, time spent travelling has been seen as a 'cost'to the traveller. Autonomous or
fully automated vehicles (FAVs) can free the driver of the driving task and allow engagement …
fully automated vehicles (FAVs) can free the driver of the driving task and allow engagement …
Impact of ICT on multitasking during travel and the value of travel time savings: Empirical evidences from Mumbai, India
This study looks into the multitasking patterns for the develo** world, while providing
empirical evidences of the effect of multitasking on the value of travel time savings (VTTS) …
empirical evidences of the effect of multitasking on the value of travel time savings (VTTS) …
Travel-time valuation for automated driving: A use-case-driven study
An application-oriented evaluation of the implications of fully automated driving is of growing
importance, particularly with regard to future user acceptance and usage. One of the most …
importance, particularly with regard to future user acceptance and usage. One of the most …
An analysis of tripadvisor reviews of 127 urban rail transit networks worldwide
V Taecharungroj - Travel Behaviour and Society, 2022 - Elsevier
Urban rail transit networks (URTNs) are essential for sustainability, equity and liveability of
cities worldwide. Recent studies have explored ways in which URTNs can improve traveller …
cities worldwide. Recent studies have explored ways in which URTNs can improve traveller …
How do passengers use travel time? A case study of Shanghai–Nan**g high speed rail
Traditional travel behavior theory regards travel time as a waste. Recent studies suggest that
it carries a positive utility, among other reasons for the benefit of the activities conducted …
it carries a positive utility, among other reasons for the benefit of the activities conducted …
The effects of vibration patterns of take-over request and non-driving tasks on taking-over control of automated vehicles
Automated vehicles offer the possibility of significantly increasing traffic safety, mobility, and
driver comfort, and reducing congestion and fuel emissions. Current automation technology …
driver comfort, and reducing congestion and fuel emissions. Current automation technology …