Graph summarization methods and applications: A survey
While advances in computing resources have made processing enormous amounts of data
possible, human ability to identify patterns in such data has not scaled accordingly. Efficient …
possible, human ability to identify patterns in such data has not scaled accordingly. Efficient …
Spatiotemporal data mining: A computational perspective
Explosive growth in geospatial and temporal data as well as the emergence of new
technologies emphasize the need for automated discovery of spatiotemporal knowledge …
technologies emphasize the need for automated discovery of spatiotemporal knowledge …
Profiling relational data: a survey
Profiling data to determine metadata about a given dataset is an important and frequent
activity of any IT professional and researcher and is necessary for various use-cases. It …
activity of any IT professional and researcher and is necessary for various use-cases. It …
Krimp: mining itemsets that compress
One of the major problems in pattern mining is the explosion of the number of results. Tight
constraints reveal only common knowledge, while loose constraints lead to an explosion in …
constraints reveal only common knowledge, while loose constraints lead to an explosion in …
Automatically generating data exploration sessions using deep reinforcement learning
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is an essential yet highly demanding task. To get a head
start before exploring a new dataset, data scientists often prefer to view existing EDA …
start before exploring a new dataset, data scientists often prefer to view existing EDA …
Data summarization: a survey
M Ahmed - Knowledge and Information Systems, 2019 - Springer
Summarization has been proven to be a useful and effective technique supporting data
analysis of large amounts of data. Knowledge discovery from data (KDD) is time consuming …
analysis of large amounts of data. Knowledge discovery from data (KDD) is time consuming …
Anomaly extraction in backbone networks using association rules
D Brauckhoff, X Dimitropoulos, A Wagner… - Proceedings of the 9th …, 2009 - dl.acm.org
Anomaly extraction is an important problem essential to several applications ranging from
root cause analysis, to attack mitigation, and testing anomaly detectors. Anomaly extraction …
root cause analysis, to attack mitigation, and testing anomaly detectors. Anomaly extraction …
Parallel and distributed computing for cybersecurity
V Kumar - IEEE Distributed Systems Online, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Parallel and distributed computing for cybersecurity Page 1 IEEE DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS
ONLINE 1541-4922 © 2005 Published by the IEEE Computer Society Vol. 6, No. 10; …
ONLINE 1541-4922 © 2005 Published by the IEEE Computer Society Vol. 6, No. 10; …
iReTADS: An Intelligent Real‐Time Anomaly Detection System for Cloud Communications Using Temporal Data Summarization and Neural Network
A new distributed environment at less financial expenditure on communication over the
Internet is presented by cloud computing. In recent times, the increased number of users has …
Internet is presented by cloud computing. In recent times, the increased number of users has …
How to make sense of team sport data: From acquisition to data modeling and research aspects
Automatic and interactive data analysis is instrumental in making use of increasing amounts
of complex data. Owing to novel sensor modalities, analysis of data generated in …
of complex data. Owing to novel sensor modalities, analysis of data generated in …