Factors that determine a university community's satisfaction levels with public transit services
Introduction: Universities and other educational institutions across the United States
collaborate with service providers to afford their students, faculty, and staff transit services …
collaborate with service providers to afford their students, faculty, and staff transit services …
Understanding Students' Satisfaction with University Transportation
Recent advancements in information and communication technology have contributed to the
rise of a new transportation concept: on-demand ridesourcing that uses a smartphone …
rise of a new transportation concept: on-demand ridesourcing that uses a smartphone …
System optimization of shared mobility in suburban contexts
Shared mobility is a viable choice to improve the connectivity of lower-density
neighbourhoods or suburbs that lack high-frequency public transportation services. In …
neighbourhoods or suburbs that lack high-frequency public transportation services. In …
[HTML][HTML] Simulation-based assessment of parking constraints for automated mobility on demand: a case study of Zurich
In a coordinated mobility-on-demand system, a fleet of vehicles is controlled by a central unit
and serves transportation requests in an on-demand fashion. An emerging field of research …
and serves transportation requests in an on-demand fashion. An emerging field of research …
An Individual-Based Simulation Approach to Demand Responsive Transport
This article demonstrates an approach to the simulation of Demand Responsive Transport
(DRT)–a flexible transport mode that typically operates as a combination of taxi and bus …
(DRT)–a flexible transport mode that typically operates as a combination of taxi and bus …
International Conference on Transportation and Development 2023: Transportation Safety and Emerging Technologies
H Wei - 2023 - ascelibrary.org
Selected papers from the International Conference on Transportation and Development
2023, held in Austin, Texas, June 14–17, 2023. Sponsored by the Texas Department of …
2023, held in Austin, Texas, June 14–17, 2023. Sponsored by the Texas Department of …
What Can We Learn from On-Demand Transit Services for Ridership? A Case Study at the City of Regina, Canada
The urgent need to optimize operational efficiency, boost ridership, enlarge effective
communication technologies, and improve customer convenience has led to the emergence …
communication technologies, and improve customer convenience has led to the emergence …
Approach to Demand Responsive
This article demonstrates an approach to the simulation of Demand Responsive Transport
(DRT) a flexible transport mode that typically operates as a combination of taxi and bus …
(DRT) a flexible transport mode that typically operates as a combination of taxi and bus …
Costs and Benefits of Shared Mobility in a Suburban Context: The Impact of Powertrain Technology
R Rasouli Gandomani - 2020 - macsphere.mcmaster.ca
Emerging technologies and business models have contributed to the improvement of
transportation systems and services towards a more sustainable approach to mobility …
transportation systems and services towards a more sustainable approach to mobility …
An Individual-Based Simulation Approach to Demand Responsive Transport
This article demonstrates an approach to the simulation of Demand Responsive Transport
(DRT)–a flexible transport mode that typically operates as a combination of taxi and bus …
(DRT)–a flexible transport mode that typically operates as a combination of taxi and bus …