[HTML][HTML] Plant extracts as sustainable and green corrosion inhibitors for protection of ferrous metals in corrosive media: A mini review
Application of green corrosion inhibitors, which reduce corrosion rates to the appropriate
level with low environmental impact, is one of the emerging key approaches of controlling …
level with low environmental impact, is one of the emerging key approaches of controlling …
Challenges and advantages of using plant extract as inhibitors in modern corrosion inhibition systems: Recent advancements
Because of the development of concept of green chemistry and sustainable developments,
use of environmental friendly alternatives is gaining attention in the field of engineering and …
use of environmental friendly alternatives is gaining attention in the field of engineering and …
[HTML][HTML] Plant probiotics–endophytes pivotal to plant health
Endophytes as a ubiquitous associate of the plant are considered as a promising candidate
for sustainable agriculture. These organisms play a pivotal role in the regulation of the …
for sustainable agriculture. These organisms play a pivotal role in the regulation of the …
[HTML][HTML] Antioxidants of fruit extracts as antimicrobial agents against pathogenic bacteria
Fruit is an essential part of the human diet and is of great interest because of its richness in
phytochemicals. Various fruit extracts from citrus, berries and pomegranates have been …
phytochemicals. Various fruit extracts from citrus, berries and pomegranates have been …
Elicitation: a tool for enriching the bioactive composition of foods
Elicitation is a good strategy to induce physiological changes and stimulate defense or
stress-induced responses in plants. The elicitor treatments trigger the synthesis of …
stress-induced responses in plants. The elicitor treatments trigger the synthesis of …
Effect of preharvest abiotic stresses on the accumulation of bioactive compounds in horticultural produce
The quality of horticultural products is the result of the interaction of different factors,
including grower's crop management ability, genotype, and environment. Sub-optimal …
including grower's crop management ability, genotype, and environment. Sub-optimal …
The effects of conventional and non-conventional processing on glucosinolates and its derived forms, isothiocyanates: extraction, degradation, and applications
In recent decades, glucosinolates and isothiocyanates have attracted the interest of scientific
community due to healthy properties of these bioactive compounds and their role as natural …
community due to healthy properties of these bioactive compounds and their role as natural …
[كتاب][B] Postharvest biology and technology for preserving fruit quality
Interest in the postharvest behavior of fruits and vegetables has a history as long as
mankind's. Once we moved past mere survival, the goal of postharvest preservation …
mankind's. Once we moved past mere survival, the goal of postharvest preservation …
UV-B-induced secondary plant metabolites-potential benefits for plant and human health
Epidemiological studies have revealed an inverse association between the consumption of
fruit, vegetables, and herbs and the risk of both cancer and cardiovascular disease. This …
fruit, vegetables, and herbs and the risk of both cancer and cardiovascular disease. This …
Alginate coatings preserve fruit quality and bioactive compounds during storage of sweet cherry fruit
Sweet cherry fruits harvested at commercial maturity stage were treated with an edible
coating based on sodium alginate at several concentrations (1%, 3% or 5% w/v). The …
coating based on sodium alginate at several concentrations (1%, 3% or 5% w/v). The …