[HTML][HTML] New insights into stress changes before and after the Wenchuan Earthquake using hydraulic fracturing measurements

C Wang, C Song, Q Guo, J Mao, Y Zhang - Engineering Geology, 2015 - Elsevier
This paper summarizes in situ stress data by hydraulic fracturing method over the past 10
years along the Longmenshan fault belt, and these data can be divided into three segments …

Spatial and temporal variations in the moment tensor solutions of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake aftershocks and their tectonic implications

X Lin, D Dreger, H Ge, P Xu, M Wu, A Chiang… - …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Following the mainshock of the 2008 M8 Wenchuan Earthquake, there were more than 300
ML≥ 4.0 aftershocks that occurred between 12 May 2008 and 8 September 2010. We …

Transformation of coseismic faults in the northern Longmenshan tectonic belt, eastern Tibetan Plateau: Implications for potential earthquakes and seismic risks

Y Li, R Lu, D He, X Wang, Y Liu, X Xu, X Tan… - Journal of Asian earth …, 2019 - Elsevier
Increasingly frequent earthquakes in the Longmenshan (LMS) tectonic belt are linked to the
ongoing eastward growth of the Tibetan Plateau during the Late Cenozoic. Following the …

Rupture process of the 2008 Wenchuan, China, earthquake: A review

T Lay - Earthquake and Disaster Risk: Decade Retrospective …, 2019 - Springer
Abstract The May 12, 2008, Wenchuan earthquake (MW 7.9, MS 8.1) is the largest
continental intraplate event to strike globally in the last 60 years. It caused great destruction …

[HTML][HTML] Preliminary study on tectonic deformation models in the Longmenshan region based on focal mechanism solutions of the Wenchuan earthquake sequence

XP Hu, XF Cui, JY Ning, LW Chen - Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2012 - en.dzkx.org
Adopting the method of theoretical focal mechanism solution, using the focal mechanism
solutions (hereafter referred to as FMSs) of Wenchuan earthquake sequence (hereafter …

[HTML][HTML] 基于汶川地震序列震源机制解对龙门山地区构造变形模式的初步探讨

胡幸**, 崔效锋, 宁杰远, 陈连旺 - 地球物理学报, 2012 - html.rhhz.net
本文采用理论震源机制解的分析方法, 以汶川地震序列震源机制解为约束, 探讨龙门山地区构造
变形模式及其与汶川地震序列的关系. 通过有限元模拟, 计算了龙门山地区不同构造变形模式下 …

Regional stresses inferred from coseismic slip models of the 2008 Mw 7.9 Wenchuan, China, earthquake

LM Luna, EA Hetland - Tectonophysics, 2013 - Elsevier
The 12 May 2008, Mw 7.9 Wenchuan earthquake occurred on the Beichuan fault in the
southwest to northeast trending Longmenshan fault zone (LMSfz), marking the border of the …

Historic seismicity near the source zone of the great 2008 Wenchuan earthquake: implications for seismic hazards

WP Chen, L Hsu - Tectonophysics, 2013 - Elsevier
In the past 500years, 14 historical earthquakes, including one that caused a maximum
intensity of IX, occurred over a distance of more than 300km along the Longmen Shan thrust …

Focal Mechanism Solutions of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake sequence from P-wave polarities and SH/P amplitude ratios: new results and implications

Y Tian, J Ning, C Yu, C Cai, K Tao - Earthquake Science, 2013 - Springer
The 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, a major intraplate earthquake with M w 7.9, occurred on
the slowly deforming Longmenshan fault. To better understand the causes of this …

[PDF][PDF] Analysis of long-term creep response characteristics of high rock slopes considering cumulative effects of earthquakes

M Yu, H Deng - Frontiers in Earth Science, 2024 - preprints.org
In mountain-gorge areas, the rock creep is the critical process for high rock slopes failure.
During long-term rock creep, slopes might encounter earthquakes and form further creep …