Teacher readiness for online teaching-learning during COVID− 19 outbreak: a study of Indian institutions of higher education
Purpose Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak has utterly disrupted the worldwide education
system and compelled an emergency immersion of unplanned and rapid online teaching …
system and compelled an emergency immersion of unplanned and rapid online teaching …
[HTML][HTML] Online assessments in a changing education landscape
L Serutla, A Mwanza, T Celik - … Education-The Role of E-Learning …, 2024 - intechopen.com
COVID-19 threatened to bring education system to its knees across the globe, forcing
educators to adopt e-learning as an alternative. While other teaching and learning activities …
educators to adopt e-learning as an alternative. While other teaching and learning activities …
Understanding the factors that influence secondary school teachers' intention to use e-learning technologies for Teaching After the COVID-19 Pandemic
The development and efficacy of use of e-learning in secondary schools after the COVID-19
pandemic depends on the teachers' intention to use e-learning technologies for teaching …
pandemic depends on the teachers' intention to use e-learning technologies for teaching …
A study of factors influencing higher education teachers' intention to use e-learning in hybrid environments
The development of e-learning in higher education institutions depends on teachers'
adoption and their levels of acceptance of e-learning technologies in the teaching process …
adoption and their levels of acceptance of e-learning technologies in the teaching process …
Investigating attitudes of entrepreneurs towards the use of information and communication technologies in Croatian SMEs in two Northern Adriatic counties
One of the strategic factors for stimulating the economic growth of each region, as well as
wider areas, is investment in the development of the digital economy. In this respect, it is …
wider areas, is investment in the development of the digital economy. In this respect, it is …
Teachers' Readiness and Usage of Online Teaching Practices in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia: An Empirical Investigation.
The substantial disruption caused by the COVID-19 epidemic to the world's education
system is only one of the many setbacks the world has recently experienced. The transition …
system is only one of the many setbacks the world has recently experienced. The transition …
Novel application of a predictive skill retention model to technical VLE content production skills among Higher Education teachers: a case study
M Cahillane, P MacLean, V Smy - Interactive Learning …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Periods of no practice in performing a technical procedure may impact on the retention of the
procedural skills required to produce VLE content. This exploratory paper reports a case …
procedural skills required to produce VLE content. This exploratory paper reports a case …
Važnost razvoja kompetencija za e-učenje kod visokoškolskih nastavnika za primjenu hibridnoga okruženja za učenje
Sažetak Pod utjecajem različitih aspekata visokoškolske ustanove sve više ulažu u razvoj
različitih modela e-obrazovanja, među kojima su hibridna okruženja za učenje. Re-zultati …
različitih modela e-obrazovanja, među kojima su hibridna okruženja za učenje. Re-zultati …
[PDF][PDF] Entrepreneurs' readiness in small and medium-sized companies to face challenges in digital business
Under the influence of contemporary trends and economic and political integration in
entrepreneurial globalization, it is necessary to develop digital business in small and …
entrepreneurial globalization, it is necessary to develop digital business in small and …
[PDF][PDF] Challenges and prospects emanating from catalysing change for inclusion and access to higher education institutions in Kenya during Covid-19
EN Omwenga - Journal of Research Innovation and Implications in …, 2022 - jriiejournal.com
Higher Education institutions are considered the epitome of Knowledge where solutions for
the Country's problems are generated and where inventions, innovations and new ideas are …
the Country's problems are generated and where inventions, innovations and new ideas are …