The organizational psychology of gig work: An integrative conceptual review.
This article reviews the individual and organizational implications of gig work using the
emerging psychological contract between gig workers and employing organizations as a …
emerging psychological contract between gig workers and employing organizations as a …
Gig work and gig workers: An integrative review and agenda for future research
Gig workers have become an important component of the contemporary workforce and have
generated extensive interest among researchers. The purpose of this article is to provide an …
generated extensive interest among researchers. The purpose of this article is to provide an …
Working on my own: Measuring the challenges of gig work
Gig workers commonly face challenges that differ in nature or intensity from those
experienced by traditional organizational workers. To better understand and support gig …
experienced by traditional organizational workers. To better understand and support gig …
From surviving to thriving in the gig economy: A research agenda for individuals in the new world of work
How work gets done has changed fundamentally in recent decades, with a growing number
of people working independently, outside of organizations in a style of work quite different …
of people working independently, outside of organizations in a style of work quite different …
The state of the heart: Emotional labor as emotion regulation reviewed and revised.
Emotional labor has been an area of burgeoning research interest in occupational health
psychology in recent years. Emotional labor was conceptualized in the early 1980s by …
psychology in recent years. Emotional labor was conceptualized in the early 1980s by …
Understanding hotel frontline employees' emotional intelligence, emotional labor, job stress, co** strategies and burnout
This study aims to examine (1) the singular mediation effects of surface acting (SA), deep
acting (DA), and job stress (JST) between EI and burnout,(2) the sequential mediation …
acting (DA), and job stress (JST) between EI and burnout,(2) the sequential mediation …
Being your true self at work: Integrating the fragmented research on authenticity in organizations
In tandem with a surge of public interest in authenticity, there is a growing number of
empirical studies on individual authenticity in work settings. However, these studies have …
empirical studies on individual authenticity in work settings. However, these studies have …
Emotion in organizations: Theory and research
HA Elfenbein - Annual Review of Psychology, 2023 - annualreviews.org
The workplace elicits a wide range of emotions and, likewise, emotions change our
experience of the workplace. This article reviews the scientific field of emotion in …
experience of the workplace. This article reviews the scientific field of emotion in …
Emotional intelligence, emotional labor, coach burnout, job satisfaction, and turnover intention in sport leadership
YH Lee, P Chelladurai - European Sport Management Quarterly, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
ABSTRACT Research Question (s): Emotions play a critical role in the leadership process.
Relatively little is known about the management of emotions and its impact on individual …
Relatively little is known about the management of emotions and its impact on individual …
Emotional labor, teacher burnout, and turnover intention in high-school physical education teaching
YH Lee - European Physical Education Review, 2019 - journals.sagepub.com
Grounded upon the conservation of resources theory, this study sought to examine the
relationships between the three emotional labor strategies, teacher burnout, and turnover …
relationships between the three emotional labor strategies, teacher burnout, and turnover …