A Transformer-based network intrusion detection approach for cloud security

Z Long, H Yan, G Shen, X Zhang, H He… - Journal of Cloud …, 2024‏ - Springer
The distributed architecture of cloud computing necessitates robust defense mechanisms to
secure network-accessible resources against a diverse and dynamic threat landscape. A …

RETRACTED ARTICLE: Deep learning model for home automation and energy reduction in a smart home environment platform

D Popa, F Pop, C Serbanescu, A Castiglione - Neural Computing and …, 2019‏ - Springer
The target of smart houses and enhanced living environments is to increase the quality of
life further. In this context, more supporting platforms for smart houses were developed …

[PDF][PDF] Secure VANETs: trusted communication scheme between vehicles and infrastructure based on fog computing

M Arif, G Wang, VE Balas - Stud. Inform. Control, 2018‏ - sic.ici.ro
In the Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs), a vehicle or the vehicle driver could be
recognized and tracked by eavesdrop** its queries (eg, beacons) by an adversary as …

Towards reproducible network traffic analysis

J Holland, P Schmitt, P Mittal, N Feamster - arxiv preprint arxiv …, 2022‏ - arxiv.org
Analysis techniques are critical for gaining insight into network traffic given both the higher
proportion of encrypted traffic and increasing data rates. Unfortunately, the domain of …

Generative adversarial networks (GAN) based anomaly detection in industrial software systems

T Kumarage, S Ranathunga, C Kuruppu… - 2019 Moratuwa …, 2019‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Adopting an accurate anomaly detection mechanism is crucial for industrial software
systems in order to prevent system outages that can deteriorate system availability …

Design of DDoS attack detection system based on intelligent bee colony algorithm

X Yu, D Han, Z Du, Q Tian… - International Journal of …, 2019‏ - inderscienceonline.com
As the large data applications gain popularity, distributed denial of service (DDoS) has
become increasingly a serious major network security issue. In response to the problem of …

Applying improved K-means algorithm into official service vehicle networking environment and research

X Meng, J Lv, S Ma - Soft Computing, 2020‏ - Springer
In order to improve the traffic efficiency of official vehicles in the traffic road network, a
backpressure routing control strategy for multi-commodity flow (official traffic flow) using …

Malicious Short URLs Detection Technique

R Stoleriu, C Negru, BC Mocanu… - 2023 22nd RoEduNet …, 2023‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The struggle between attackers and defenders is similar to a cat-and-mouse game. The
former always try to find new ways to evade detections and remain undiscovered. One of the …

[PDF][PDF] An adaptive anomaly detection algorithm based on CFSFDP

W Ren, X Di, Z Du, J Zhao - Computers, Materials & Continua, 2021‏ - cs-epi-group.com
CFSFDP (Clustering by fast search and find of density peak) is a simple and crisp density
clustering algorithm. It does not only have the advantages of density clustering algorithm, but …

[PDF][PDF] Research on packet inspection techniques

A Ghosh, A Senthilrajan - International Journal Of Scientific & …, 2019‏ - academia.edu
l Packet Inspection techniques are useful for the purpose of monitoring and analyzing the
network traffic of a network as well as for Intrusion Detection Systems also. Moreover, Packet …