Nodal diffusion methods and lattice physics data in LWR analyses: Understanding numerous subtle details

KS Smith - Progress in Nuclear Energy, 2017 - Elsevier
Numerous researchers have been unsuccessful in obtaining accurate LWR power
distributions using two-group nodal diffusion codes and neutronic data generated from …

Computational methods for burnup calculations with Monte Carlo neutronics

A Isotalo - 2013 -
The work described in this thesis deals with the computational methods and algorithms used
in burnup calculations, which model changes in the composition of nuclear fuel under …

Cell homogenization method for pin-by-pin neutron transport calculations

T Kozlowski, Y Xu, TJ Downar, D Lee - Nuclear science and …, 2011 - Taylor & Francis
For practical reactor core applications, low-order transport approximations such as SP3
have been shown to provide sufficient accuracy for both static and transient calculations with …

Evaluation of pin-cell homogenization techniques for PWR pin-by-pin calculation

B Zhang, H Wu, Y Li, L Cao, W Shen - Nuclear Science and …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
In general, spatial homogenization, energy group condensation, and angular approximation
are all included in the homogenization process. For the traditional pressurized water reactor …

Capturing the effects of unlike neighbors in single-assembly calculations

KT Clarno, ML Adams - Nuclear science and engineering, 2005 - Taylor & Francis
We present recent improvements in assembly-level calculations for reactor analysis,
including modifications that support core-level analysis by quasi-diffusion. Our main focus is …

Improvement of nodal accuracy by using albedo-corrected parameterized equivalence constants

W Kim, W Heo, Y Kim - Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
This paper introduces the albedo-corrected parameterized equivalence constants (APEC)
method, a new method for correcting the homogenized two-group cross sections of the …

Fine-mesh homogenization and anisotropic SP3 calculation for PWR cores with plate-type fuel and strong absorbers

Y Li, J Qin, F **a, H Wu - Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2024 - Elsevier
SP 3 based pin-by-pin calculation has been proven to be efficient in improving the accuracy
of PWR cores with a strong heterogeneity. In this work, it is renamed “fine-mesh transport …

Functionalization of the discontinuity factor in the albedo-corrected parameterized equivalence constants (APEC) method

W Kim, K Lee, Y Kim - Nuclear Science and Engineering, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Abstract The Albedo-corrected Parameterized Equivalence Constants (APEC) method, a
new leakage correction method for two-group nodal analysis of light water reactors, has …

Research on reactor core pin-by-pin calculation based on new leakage corrected SPH method

X Wang, K Zhuang, Z Qiu, L Wang, D Lu, B Zhang… - Annals of Nuclear …, 2025 - Elsevier
The pin-by-pin calculation method based on pin cell homogenization has become one of the
most interesting neutronics calculation methods since it can directly give the detailed pin cell …

Rehomogenization of nodal cross sections via modal synthesis of neutron spectrum changes

M Gamarino, A Dall'Osso, D Lathouwers… - Nuclear Science and …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
Nodal diffusion is currently the preferred neutronics model for industrial reactor core
calculations, which use few-group cross-section libraries generated via standard assembly …