Hydrotectonics of Grand Canyon Groundwater
The Grand Canyon provides a deeply dissected view of the aquifers of the Colorado Plateau
and its public and tribal lands. Stacked sandstone and karst aquifers are vertically …
and its public and tribal lands. Stacked sandstone and karst aquifers are vertically …
Birth and evolution of the Rio Grande fluvial system in the past 8 Ma: Progressive downward integration and the influence of tectonics, volcanism, and climate
Abstract The Rio Grande fluvial system has evolved dramatically over the past 8 Ma,
undergoing channel migrations, drainage capture and integration events, volcanic …
undergoing channel migrations, drainage capture and integration events, volcanic …
Rock strength along a fluvial transect of the Colorado Plateau–quantifying a fundamental control on geomorphology
Bedrock strength is a key parameter that influences slope stability, landscape erosion, and
fluvial incision. Yet, it is often ignored or indirectly constrained in studies of landscape …
fluvial incision. Yet, it is often ignored or indirectly constrained in studies of landscape …
Tectonics of the Colorado Plateau and its margins
The Cenozoic Colorado Plateau physiographic province overlies multiple Precambrian
provinces. Its∼ 2-km elevation rim surrounds an∼ 1.6-km elevation core that is underlain by …
provinces. Its∼ 2-km elevation rim surrounds an∼ 1.6-km elevation core that is underlain by …
The mystery of baselevel controls in the incision history of the central Colorado Plateau
Erosion can remain active and changing in landscapes long after tectonic drivers have
ceased, potentially due to local‐geologic controls, climate changes, or geodynamics. We …
ceased, potentially due to local‐geologic controls, climate changes, or geodynamics. We …
[HTML][HTML] Cenozoic incision history of the Little Colorado River: Its role in carving Grand Canyon and onset of rapid incision in the past ca. 2 Ma in the Colorado River …
This paper documents a multi-stage incision and denudation history for the Little Colorado
River (LCR) region of the southwestern Colorado Plateau over the past 70 Ma. The first two …
River (LCR) region of the southwestern Colorado Plateau over the past 70 Ma. The first two …
Role of arc magmatism and lower crustal foundering in controlling elevation history of the Nevadaplano and Colorado Plateau: A case study of pyroxenitic lower crust …
Garnet–pyroxenite xenoliths from a 25 Ma volcano on the southern edge of the Colorado
Plateau in central Arizona (USA) are shown here to have crystallized as deep-seated …
Plateau in central Arizona (USA) are shown here to have crystallized as deep-seated …
Under some conditions, dense parts of the lower crust or mantle lithosphere can become
unstable, deform internally and sink into the less dense, underlying asthenosphere. Two end …
unstable, deform internally and sink into the less dense, underlying asthenosphere. Two end …
River-evolution and tectonic implications of a major Pliocene aggradation on the lower Colorado River: The Bullhead Alluvium
The∼ 200-m-thick riverlaid Bullhead Alluvium along the lower Colorado River downstream
of Grand Canyon records massive early Pliocene sediment aggradation following the …
of Grand Canyon records massive early Pliocene sediment aggradation following the …
Pleistocene Colorado River terraces in the canyonlands region (Utah, USA) record unsteady, transient incision and growth of the Cataract Canyon knickzone by salt …
Colorado River terraces in the canyonlands region of southeastern Utah can be dated and
analyzed to address the controls of incision and nature of the Colorado Plateau's largest …
analyzed to address the controls of incision and nature of the Colorado Plateau's largest …