Implementation of intelligent hybrid systems for node placement problem in WMNs considering particle swarm optimization, hill climbing and simulated annealing
Abstract Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have many advantages such as low cost and
increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity, therefore WMNs are becoming an …
increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity, therefore WMNs are becoming an …
Design and implementation of a hybrid intelligent system based on particle swarm optimization and distributed genetic algorithm
Abstract Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have many advantages such as low cost and
increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity, therefore WMNs are becoming an …
increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity, therefore WMNs are becoming an …
Dynamic traffic forecasting and fuzzy-based optimized admission control in federated 5G-open RAN networks
Providing connectivity to high-density traffic demand is one of the key promises of future
wireless networks. The open radio access network (O-RAN) is one of the critical drivers …
wireless networks. The open radio access network (O-RAN) is one of the critical drivers …
Performance analysis of simulation system based on particle swarm optimization and distributed genetic algorithm for WMNs considering different distributions of …
Abstract The Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) are becoming an important networking
infrastructure because they have many advantages such as low cost and increased high …
infrastructure because they have many advantages such as low cost and increased high …
Effect of security and trustworthiness for a fuzzy cluster management system in VANETs
Recently, smart cities and Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as Vehicular Ad-hoc
Networks (VANETs) and Opportunistic networks have been deeply investigated. However …
Networks (VANETs) and Opportunistic networks have been deeply investigated. However …
Implementation of an intelligent hybrid simulation systems for WMNs based on particle swarm optimization and simulated annealing: performance evaluation for …
Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) have many advantages such as low-cost and increased
high-speed wireless Internet connectivity; therefore, WMNs are becoming an important …
high-speed wireless Internet connectivity; therefore, WMNs are becoming an important …
A fuzzy-based approach for cluster management in VANETs: performance evaluation for two fuzzy-based systems
In recent years, due to the growing interest in smart cities and Internet of Things (IoT)
applications, several innovation types of networks, such as Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks …
applications, several innovation types of networks, such as Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks …
Performance evaluation of intelligent hybrid systems for node placement in wireless mesh networks: a comparison study of WMN-PSOHC and WMN-PSOSA
Abstract Wireless Mesh Networks (WMNs) have many advantages such as low cost and
increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity, therefore WMNs are becoming an …
increased high speed wireless Internet connectivity, therefore WMNs are becoming an …
Implementation of a Web interface for hybrid intelligent systems: A comparison study of two hybrid intelligent systems
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to implement a Web interface for hybrid intelligent
systems. Using the implemented Web interface, this paper evaluates two hybrid intelligent …
systems. Using the implemented Web interface, this paper evaluates two hybrid intelligent …
[PDF][PDF] A Systematic Review of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Cellular Networks.
NC Eli-Chukwu, JM Aloh… - … , Technology & Applied …, 2019 -
Mobile technology has made communication easier and faster. People communicate in a
matter of picoseconds, with little or no inhibition, regardless of their distance or location …
matter of picoseconds, with little or no inhibition, regardless of their distance or location …