Worldwide decline of specialist species: toward a global functional homogenization?

J Clavel, R Julliard, V Devictor - Frontiers in Ecology and the …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Specialization is a concept based on a broad theoretical framework developed by
evolutionary biologists and ecologists. In the past 10 years, numerous studies have reported …

Human disturbance has contrasting effects on niche partitioning within carnivore communities

A Sévêque, LK Gentle, JV López‐Bao… - Biological …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Among species, coexistence is driven partly by the partitioning of available resources. The
mechanisms of coexistence and competition among species have been a central topic …

Changes in human footprint drive changes in species extinction risk

M Di Marco, O Venter, HP Possingham… - Nature …, 2018 -
Predicting how species respond to human pressure is essential to anticipate their decline
and identify appropriate conservation strategies. Both human pressure and extinction risk …

[KNIHA][B] Modern phylogenetic comparative methods and their application in evolutionary biology: concepts and practice

LZ Garamszegi - 2014 - Springer
Many evolutionary biologists are concerned with the tremendous amount of diversity of
species, and their phenotypes, that we can currently observe in nature, and one of the most …

Imputation of missing data in life‐history trait datasets: Which approach performs the best?

C Penone, AD Davidson, KT Shoemaker… - Methods in Ecology …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Despite efforts in data collection, missing values are commonplace in life‐history trait
databases. Because these values typically are not missing randomly, the common practice …

Global correlates of range contractions and expansions in terrestrial mammals

M Pacifici, C Rondinini, JR Rhodes… - Nature …, 2020 -
Understanding changes in species distributions is essential to disentangle the mechanisms
that drive their responses to anthropogenic habitat modification. Here we analyse the past …

[KNIHA][B] Conservation by proxy: indicator, umbrella, keystone, flagship, and other surrogate species

T Caro - 2010 -
The vast scope of conservation problems has forced biologists and managers to rely on"
surrogate" species to serve as shortcuts to guide their decision making. These species …

General quantitative genetic methods for comparative biology: phylogenies, taxonomies and multi‐trait models for continuous and categorical characters

JD Hadfield, S Nakagawa - Journal of evolutionary biology, 2010 -
Although many of the statistical techniques used in comparative biology were originally
developed in quantitative genetics, subsequent development of comparative techniques has …

Global raptor research and conservation priorities: Tropical raptors fall prey to knowledge gaps

ER Buechley, A Santangeli, M Girardello… - Diversity and …, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Aim Raptors serve critical ecological functions, are particularly extinction‐prone and are
often used as environmental indicators and flagship species. Yet, there is no global …

Phylogenetic signal and linear regression on species data

LJ Revell - Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
A common procedure in the regression analysis of interspecies data is to first test the
independent and dependent variables X and Y for phylogenetic signal, and then use the …