The hydrated electron
Existence of a hydrated electron as a byproduct of water radiolysis was established more
than 50 years ago, yet this species continues to attract significant attention due to its role in …
than 50 years ago, yet this species continues to attract significant attention due to its role in …
Theoretical studies of spectroscopy and dynamics of hydrated electrons
The hydrated electron is a fascinating species that has captured the scientific attention of
chemists for more than 50 years. Although the experimental detection of the hydrated …
chemists for more than 50 years. Although the experimental detection of the hydrated …
Infrared Spectroscopy of the Microhydrated Nitrate Ions NO3−(H2O)1−6
We present infrared photodissociation spectra of the microhydrated nitrate ions NO3−(H2O)
1− 6, measured from 600 to 1800 cm− 1. The assignment of the spectra is aided by …
1− 6, measured from 600 to 1800 cm− 1. The assignment of the spectra is aided by …
Dynamics of solvated electrons in clusters
Solvated electrons are a fundamental species to many areas of physical science. In addition
to playing a key role in aqueous phase chemistry, 1 they have been implicated in a wide …
to playing a key role in aqueous phase chemistry, 1 they have been implicated in a wide …
Genuine binding energy of the hydrated electron
D Luckhaus, Y Yamamoto, T Suzuki, R Signorell - Science advances, 2017 -
The unknown influence of inelastic and elastic scattering of slow electrons in water has
made it difficult to clarify the role of the solvated electron in radiation chemistry and biology …
made it difficult to clarify the role of the solvated electron in radiation chemistry and biology …
Photoionization of the aqueous phase: clusters, droplets and liquid jets
This perspective article reviews specific challenges associated with photoemission
spectroscopy of bulk liquid water, aqueous solutions, water droplets and water clusters. The …
spectroscopy of bulk liquid water, aqueous solutions, water droplets and water clusters. The …
Infrared spectroscopic studies on hydrogen-bonded water networks in gas phase clusters
Size-selective infrared (IR) spectroscopy of gas phase water-containing clusters is
performed to probe microscopic natures of hydrogen-bonded water networks. Size-selective …
performed to probe microscopic natures of hydrogen-bonded water networks. Size-selective …
Low temperature photoelectron spectra of water cluster anions
L Ma, K Majer, F Chirot, B von Issendorff - The Journal of chemical …, 2009 -
Photoelectron spectra of cold (10 K) size selected water cluster anions (H 2 O) n− and (D 2
O) n− have been measured in the size range n= 20–120. A new isomer with a higher …
O) n− have been measured in the size range n= 20–120. A new isomer with a higher …
A one-electron model for the aqueous electron that includes many-body electron-water polarization: Bulk equilibrium structure, vertical electron binding energy, and …
Previously, we reported an electron-water pseudopotential designed to be used in
conjunction with a polarizable water model, in order to describe the hydrated electron [LD …
conjunction with a polarizable water model, in order to describe the hydrated electron [LD …
The quantum chemistry of loosely‐bound electrons
This chapter discusses excited electronic states of anions that possess enough energy to
access an electronic continuum, or in other words, excited states where the excitation …
access an electronic continuum, or in other words, excited states where the excitation …