Saltation matrices: The essential tool for linearizing hybrid dynamical systems
Hybrid dynamical systems, ie, systems that have both continuous and discrete states, are
ubiquitous in engineering but are difficult to work with due to their discontinuous transitions …
ubiquitous in engineering but are difficult to work with due to their discontinuous transitions …
Stability effect of different modulation parameters in voltage-mode PWM control for CCM switching DC–DC converter
In order to guide the parameters design of voltage-mode-controlled switching dc–dc
converter, taking continuous conduction mode (CCM) buck converter as an example, the …
converter, taking continuous conduction mode (CCM) buck converter as an example, the …
Microgrid modeling for stability analysis
D Espín-Sarzosa, R Palma-Behnke… - … on Smart Grid, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This document is a summary of a report prepared by the IEEE PES Task Force (TF) on
Microgrid (MG) Dynamic Modeling, IEEE Power and Energy Society, Tech. Rep. PES …
Microgrid (MG) Dynamic Modeling, IEEE Power and Energy Society, Tech. Rep. PES …
Modeling of capacitive resonant wireless power and data transfer to deep biomedical implants
R Narayanamoorthi - IEEE Transactions on Components …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Neural implantable sensors require a harmless sustainable wireless power transfer
technique for their lifetime operation. The capacitive-coupled (CC) power transfer method …
technique for their lifetime operation. The capacitive-coupled (CC) power transfer method …
Recent progress and future research direction of nonlinear dynamics and bifurcation analysis of grid-connected power converter circuits and systems
C Reza, DDC Lu - IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Since the discovery of nonlinear dynamics and chaotic behaviors of basic power converter
circuits, stability analysis has been extended to more complex converter structures …
circuits, stability analysis has been extended to more complex converter structures …
Small-step discretization method for modeling and stability analysis of cascaded DC–DC converters with considering different switching frequencies
Cascaded dc–dc converter is the main component of the dc distributed power system. It is
valuable to establish the accurate model for studying the stability of cascaded dc–dc …
valuable to establish the accurate model for studying the stability of cascaded dc–dc …
Bifurcation-based stability analysis of photovoltaic-battery hybrid power system
M Huang, H Ji, J Sun, L Wei… - IEEE Journal of Emerging …, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Photovoltaic-battery hybrid power system (PBHPS) is a good candidate for rural
electrification in remote areas. In this system, multiple energy sources are combined …
electrification in remote areas. In this system, multiple energy sources are combined …
Nonlinear analysis and control of interleaved boost converter using real-time cycle to cycle variable slope compensation
Switched-mode power converters are inherently nonlinear and piecewise smooth systems
that may exhibit a series of undesirable operations that can greatly reduce the converter's …
that may exhibit a series of undesirable operations that can greatly reduce the converter's …
Multiple-harmonic modeling and analysis of single-inductor dual-output buck DC–DC converters
Compared with single-input single-output (SISO) dc–dc converters, salient characteristics,
such as variable topology sequences and stronger nonlinearity of single-inductor multiple …
such as variable topology sequences and stronger nonlinearity of single-inductor multiple …
A new approach for accurate prediction of subharmonic oscillation in switching regulators—Part I: Mathematical derivations
A El Aroudi - IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This part of the paper takes a new look at the stability of the fundamental periodic behavior
and the associated subharmonic oscillation boundary in dc-dc switching regulators with …
and the associated subharmonic oscillation boundary in dc-dc switching regulators with …