Engineered platforms for topological superconductivity and Majorana zero modes

K Flensberg, F von Oppen, A Stern - Nature Reviews Materials, 2021‏ -
Among the major avenues that are being pursued for realizing quantum bits, the Majorana-
based approach has been the most recent to be launched. It attempts to realize qubits that …

Next steps of quantum transport in Majorana nanowire devices

H Zhang, DE Liu, M Wimmer… - Nature communications, 2019‏ -
Majorana zero modes are localized quasiparticles that obey non-Abelian exchange
statistics. Braiding Majorana zero modes forms the basis of topologically protected quantum …

[HTML][HTML] Majorana nanowires for topological quantum computation

P Marra - Journal of Applied Physics, 2022‏ -
Majorana bound states are quasiparticle excitations localized at the boundaries of a
topologically nontrivial superconductor. They are zero-energy, charge-neutral, particle–hole …

Interferometric single-shot parity measurement in InAs–Al hybrid devices

Microsoft Azure Quantum, M Aghaee… - Nature, 2025‏ -
The fusion of non-Abelian anyons is a fundamental operation in measurement-only
topological quantum computation. In one-dimensional topological superconductors (1DTSs) …

Majorana-like Coulomb spectroscopy in the absence of zero-bias peaks

M Valentini, M Borovkov, E Prada, S Martí-Sánchez… - Nature, 2022‏ -
Hybrid semiconductor–superconductor devices hold great promise for realizing topological
quantum computing with Majorana zero modes,,,–. However, multiple claims of Majorana …

Subgap states in semiconductor-superconductor devices for quantum technologies: Andreev qubits and minimal Majorana chains

R Seoane Souto, R Aguado - New Trends and Platforms for Quantum …, 2024‏ - Springer
In recent years, experimental advances have made it possible to achieve an unprecedented
degree of control over the properties of subgap bound states in hybrid nanoscale …

Spin-resolved thermal signatures of Majorana-Kondo interplay in double quantum dots

P Majek, KP Wójcik, I Weymann - Physical Review B, 2022‏ - APS
We investigate theoretically the thermoelectric transport properties of a T-shaped double
quantum dot side-coupled to a topological superconducting nanowire hosting Majorana …

Violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law in the topological Kondo model

F Buccheri, A Nava, R Egger, P Sodano, D Giuliano - Physical Review B, 2022‏ - APS
We study the thermal transport through a Majorana island connected to multiple external
quantum wires. In the presence of a large charging energy, we find that the Wiedemann …

Parity-to-charge conversion in Majorana qubit readout

MIK Munk, J Schulenborg, R Egger, K Flensberg - Physical Review Research, 2020‏ - APS
We study the time-dependent effect of Markovian readout processes on Majorana qubits
whose parity degrees of freedom are converted into the charge of a tunnel-coupled quantum …

Topological superconductivity and Majorana states in low-dimensional systems

VV Val'kov, MS Shustin, SV Aksenov… - Physics …, 2022‏ -
We discuss the properties of topologically nontrivial superconducting phases and the
conditions for their realization in condensed matter, the criteria for the appearance of …