[HTML][HTML] Synergistic control of urban heat island and urban pollution island effects using green infrastructure
Urban heat island (UHI) and urban pollution island (UPI) effects are two major challenges
that affect the liveability and sustainability of cities under the circumstance of climate change …
that affect the liveability and sustainability of cities under the circumstance of climate change …
Tree form characteristics as criteria for tree species selection to improve pedestrian thermal comfort in street canyons: Case study of a humid subtropical city
Q **ao, X Fan, Y Guo, S Li, W He, Y Deng… - Sustainable Cities and …, 2024 - Elsevier
The combined effect of tree characteristics on heat stress in different street canyons has
been widely reported. However, there remains a lack of effective methods for improving …
been widely reported. However, there remains a lack of effective methods for improving …
Effects of dynamic airflows on convective cooling of human bodies− Advances in thermal comfort assessment and engineering design
Dynamic airflows, mainly characterized by turbulence and time-varying mean flow and
direction, are increasingly recognized for their positive effects on enhancing the convective …
direction, are increasingly recognized for their positive effects on enhancing the convective …
How can greenery space mitigate urban heat island? An analysis of cooling effect, carbon sequestration, and nurturing cost at the street scale
Rapid urbanization has contributed to urban heat islands, which can potentially lead to
increased energy consumption and carbon emissions, further worsening global warming …
increased energy consumption and carbon emissions, further worsening global warming …
Effects of perceived environmental quality and psychological status on outdoor thermal comfort: a panel study in Southern China
CKC Lam, H Pan, W Nie, X Li, J Wu, Z Yin… - Sustainable Cities and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Urban residents are exposed to multiple environmental stimuli. Past studies have examined
the influence of heat stress on outdoor thermal comfort, but the cross-modal effects of …
the influence of heat stress on outdoor thermal comfort, but the cross-modal effects of …
Passive design strategies to improve student thermal comfort: A field study in semi-outdoor spaces of academic buildings in hot-humid areas
Provide a high level of thermal comfort in university buildings, conducive to encouraging
different activities and interactions of students. This study aims to evaluate and improve …
different activities and interactions of students. This study aims to evaluate and improve …
Evaluating the effects of different tree species on enhancing outdoor thermal comfort in a post-industrial landscape
A frequently emphasized strategy to reduce the burden of heat in cities across the world is
the implementation of street trees. Here, we examine the effects of deciduous and coniferous …
the implementation of street trees. Here, we examine the effects of deciduous and coniferous …
The right tree for the right street canyons: An approach of tree species selection for mitigating air pollution
Y Guo, Q **ao, C Ling, M Teng, P Wang, Z **ao… - Building and …, 2023 - Elsevier
Trees planted in street canyons affect the dispersion and deposition of air pollutants
primarily through their aerodynamic and deposition effects to change the air quality …
primarily through their aerodynamic and deposition effects to change the air quality …
Airflow mitigation and pollutant purification in an idealized urban street canyon with wind driven natural ventilation: cooperating and opposing effects of roadside tree …
YF Tang, YB Wen, H Chen, ZC Tan, YH Yao… - Sustainable Cities and …, 2023 - Elsevier
A refined CFD research was reported, concerning on the individual characteristics of
different roadside tree planting and street canyon with non-uniformity of buildings. In this …
different roadside tree planting and street canyon with non-uniformity of buildings. In this …
Comparative simulation of transpiration and cooling impacts by porous canopies of shrubs and trees
J Hang, L An, Y Zhao, Z Wu, J Liao - Sustainable Cities and Society, 2024 - Elsevier
Vegetation cooling effects can effectively improve the outdoor microclimate. To explore the
potential of vegetation transpiration cooling, we validated the feasibility of a new coupled …
potential of vegetation transpiration cooling, we validated the feasibility of a new coupled …