Binder jet 3D printing—Process parameters, materials, properties, modeling, and challenges
As a non-beam-based additive manufacturing (AM) method, binder jet 3D printing (BJ3DP)
is a process in which a liquid binder is jetted on layers of powdered materials, selectively …
is a process in which a liquid binder is jetted on layers of powdered materials, selectively …
Developments and applications of the CFD-DEM method in particle–fluid numerical simulation in petroleum engineering: A review
Particle and fluid flow is a general problem existing in a series of engineering activities
during oil and gas development. Many efforts have been made to investigate the migration …
during oil and gas development. Many efforts have been made to investigate the migration …
LAMMPS-a flexible simulation tool for particle-based materials modeling at the atomic, meso, and continuum scales
Since the classical molecular dynamics simulator LAMMPS was released as an open source
code in 2004, it has become a widely-used tool for particle-based modeling of materials at …
code in 2004, it has become a widely-used tool for particle-based modeling of materials at …
AtomAI framework for deep learning analysis of image and spectroscopy data in electron and scanning probe microscopy
Over the past several decades, electron and scanning probe microscopes have become
critical components of condensed matter physics, materials science and chemistry research …
critical components of condensed matter physics, materials science and chemistry research …
High active material loading in all‐solid‐state battery electrode via particle size optimization
Low active material loading in the composite electrode of all‐solid‐state batteries (SSBs) is
one of the main reasons for the low energy density in current SSBs. In this work, it is …
one of the main reasons for the low energy density in current SSBs. In this work, it is …
[HTML][HTML] Discrete mechanical models of concrete fracture
Discrete models of solids have been motivated, in large part, by the discontinuous and
heterogeneous nature of material structure and its breakdown under loading. The …
heterogeneous nature of material structure and its breakdown under loading. The …
A review of water rock interaction in underground coal mining: Problems and analysis
Underground coal mining has a strong disturbance on surrounding rock strata, causing
inevitable water inflow into mined spaces, which seriously affects safety production. Mine …
inevitable water inflow into mined spaces, which seriously affects safety production. Mine …
Particle-based simulation of powder application in additive manufacturing
The development of reliable strategies to optimize part production in additive manufacturing
technologies hinges, to a large extent, on the quantitative understanding of the mechanical …
technologies hinges, to a large extent, on the quantitative understanding of the mechanical …
Advances in fixed-bed reactor modeling using particle-resolved computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
In 2006, Dixon et al. published the comprehensive review article entitled “Packed tubular
reactor modeling and catalyst design using computational fluid dynamics.” More than one …
reactor modeling and catalyst design using computational fluid dynamics.” More than one …
Effect of abrasive volume fraction on energy utilization in suspension abrasive water jets based on VOF-DEM method
C Chen, J Wei, T Zhang, H Zhang, Y Liu - Powder Technology, 2025 - Elsevier
Suspension abrasive water jets (AWJs) rock breaking is the kinetic energy of abrasive
particle group transport and transfer. However, it is difficult to be popularized and utilized …
particle group transport and transfer. However, it is difficult to be popularized and utilized …