Urbankg: An urban knowledge graph system

Y Liu, J Ding, Y Fu, Y Li - ACM Transactions on Intelligent Systems and …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Every day, our living city produces a tremendous amount of spatial-temporal data, involved
with multiple sources from the individual scale to the city scale. Undoubtedly, such massive …

Spatio-temporal urban knowledge graph enabled mobility prediction

H Wang, Q Yu, Y Liu, D **, Y Li - Proceedings of the ACM on interactive …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
With the rapid development of the mobile communication technology, mobile trajectories of
humans are massively collected by Internet service providers (ISPs) and application service …

Knowledge-driven site selection via urban knowledge graph

Y Liu, J Ding, Y Li - arxiv preprint arxiv:2111.00787, 2021 - arxiv.org
Site selection determines optimal locations for new stores, which is of crucial importance to
business success. Especially, the wide application of artificial intelligence with multi-source …

Knowsite: Leveraging urban knowledge graph for site selection

Y Liu, J Ding, Y Li - Proceedings of the 31st ACM International …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Site selection determines optimal locations for new stores, which is of crucial importance for
business success and urban development. Especially, the wide application of artificial …

Interactive analysis of epidemic situations based on a spatiotemporal information knowledge graph of COVID-19

B Jiang, X You, K Li, T Li, X Zhou, L Tan - Ieee Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In view of the lack of data association in spatiotemporal information analysis and the lack of
spatiotemporal situation analysis in knowledge graphs, this article combines the semantic …

Construct and query a fine-grained geospatial knowledge graph

B Wei, X Guo, X Li, Z Wu, J Zhao, Q Zou - Data Science and Engineering, 2024 - Springer
In this paper, we propose the fine-grained geospatial knowledge graph (FineGeoKG), which
can capture the neighboring relations between geospatial objects. We call such neighboring …

SKG: A Versatile Information Retrieval and Analysis Framework for Academic Papers with Semantic Knowledge Graphs

Y Tu, R Qiu, HW Shen - arxiv preprint arxiv:2306.04758, 2023 - arxiv.org
The number of published research papers has experienced exponential growth in recent
years, which makes it crucial to develop new methods for efficient and versatile information …

Riso-tree: An efficient and scalable index for spatial entities in graph database management systems

Y Sun, M Sarwat - ACM Transactions on Spatial Algorithms and Systems, 2021 - dl.acm.org
With the ubiquity of spatial data, vertexes or edges in graphs can possess spatial location
attributes side by side with other non-spatial attributes. For instance, as of June 2018, the …

Tax-kg: Taxation big data visualization system for knowledge graph

Y Qiu, Y Qiao, S Yang, J Yang - 2020 IEEE 5th International …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Although large scale knowledge graph (KG) has drawn lots of attentions in academia and
industry, it's still quite difficult for ordinary users to access KG directly because of the …

从地理信息服务到地理知识服务: 基本问题与发展路径

慎利, 徐柱, **志林, 刘万增, 崔秉良 - Cehui Xuebao, 2021 - search.proquest.com
从地理信息服务升级到地理知识服务, 既是一种必然的发展趋势, 也是信息爆炸困境下的迫切
现实需求. 本文辨析了地理知识服务的内涵, 与地理信息服务的联系及区别, 以及其对形式化知识 …