GCM: a grid extension to Fractal for autonomous distributed components

F Baude, D Caromel, C Dalmasso, M Danelutto… - Annals of …, 2009 - Springer
This article presents an extension of the Fractal component model targeted at programming
applications to be run on computing grids: the grid component model (GCM). First, to …

Autonomic QoS in ASSIST grid-aware components

M Aldinucci, M Danelutto… - … Conference on Parallel …, 2006 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Current grid-aware applications are developed on existing software infrastructures, such as
Globus, by developers who are experts on grid software implementation. Although many …

High level grid programming with ASSIST

A Marco, C Massimo, D Marco, T Nicola, V Marco… - CMST, 2006 - cmst.eu
The development of efficient Grid applications usually requires writing huge portions of code
directly at the level of abstraction provided by the underlying Grid middleware. In this work …

Towards a common deployment model for grid systems

M Coppola, N Tonellotto, M Danelutto… - Integrated Research in …, 2007 - Springer
Deploying applications within a Grid infrastructure is an important aspect that has not yet
been fully addressed. This is particularly true when high-level abstractions, like objects or …

[PDF][PDF] Building interoperable grid-aware assist applications via web services

M Aldinucci, M Danelutto, A Paternesi, R Ravazzolo… - 2005 - compass2.di.unipi.it
Abstract: The ASSIST environment provides a high-level programming toolkit for the grid.
ASSIST applications are described by means of a coordination language, which can …

[PDF][PDF] Characterization of the performance of ASSIST programs

N Tonellotto, C Zoccolo, LB Pontecorvo - 2005 - academia.edu
This work, starting form the analitical description of a generic ASSIST program, derives some
general properties that characterize its steady state behaviour, allowing us to define …

A Performance Model for Stream-based Computations

M Danelutto, M Vanneschi, C Zoccolo… - … and Network-Based …, 2007 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Component-based grid applications have complex deployment models. Performance-
sensitive decisions should be taken by automatic tools. Such tools must match developer …

Automatic map** of ASSIST applications using process algebra

M Aldinucci, A Benoit - Parallel processing letters, 2008 - World Scientific
Grid technologies aim to harness the computational capabilities of widely distributed
collections of computers. Due to the heterogeneous and dynamic nature of the set of grid …

Execution support of high performance heterogeneous component-based applications on the grid

M Coppola, M Danelutto, N Tonellotto… - Euro-Par 2006 …, 2007 - Springer
Application deployment is becoming an increasingly hard task, as complex, component-
based Grid applications have to be deployed on heterogeneous and dynamic Grids …

Towards the automatic map** of ASSIST applications for the grid

M Aldinucci, A Benoit - … Workshop 2005 (Selected Papers) November 28 …, 2007 - Springer
One of the most promising technical innovations in present-day computing is the invention of
grid technologies which harness the computational power of widely distributed collections of …