Ordered weighted averaging operators 1988–2014: A citation‐based literature survey
This study surveys the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator literature using a
citation network analysis. The main goals are the historical reconstruction of scientific …
citation network analysis. The main goals are the historical reconstruction of scientific …
Risk analysis and assessment in the worksites using the fuzzy-analytical hierarchy process and a quantitative technique–A case study for the Greek construction …
In this paper, we propose a safety risk assessment process using the Fuzzy Extended
Analytic Hierarchy Process (FEAHP) for prioritizing the risks in worksites. Also, the FEAHP …
Analytic Hierarchy Process (FEAHP) for prioritizing the risks in worksites. Also, the FEAHP …
Selection of wastewater treatment process based on the analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy analytical hierarchy process methods
This paper presents an application of the analytical hierarchy process and fuzzy analytical
hierarchy process methods for selecting the best wastewater treatment process. The …
hierarchy process methods for selecting the best wastewater treatment process. The …
An expanded HAZOP-study with fuzzy-AHP (XPA-HAZOP technique): Application in a sour crude-oil processing plant
Abstract An integrated Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) study with the Decision Risk-Matrix
(DRMA) and the Fuzzy-Analytical Hierarchy-Process (FAHP) is suggested as an alternative …
(DRMA) and the Fuzzy-Analytical Hierarchy-Process (FAHP) is suggested as an alternative …
[HTML][HTML] Fuzzy multicriteria evaluation and trends of asset management performance: A case study of Spanish buildings
Asset management has an increasingly important role in organisations, as it can affect
productivity and cost effectiveness, the useful life of facilities, the quality of processes …
productivity and cost effectiveness, the useful life of facilities, the quality of processes …
[HTML][HTML] A HAZOP with MCDM based risk-assessment approach: Focusing on the deviations with economic/health/environmental impacts in a process industry
A joint-analysis by the use of (i) the multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) technique of
Typical-Analytical-Hierarchy-Process (T_AHP) and Fuzzy-Analytical-Hierarchy-Process …
Typical-Analytical-Hierarchy-Process (T_AHP) and Fuzzy-Analytical-Hierarchy-Process …
[PDF][PDF] Using the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process for selecting wastewater facilities at prefecture level
Although decision makers involved in environmental management issues usually agree on
the necessity of interventions, conflicts emerge when interventions are specified and touch …
the necessity of interventions, conflicts emerge when interventions are specified and touch …
[HTML][HTML] Application of fuzzy analytic hierarchy process to underground mining method selection
The paper proposes a problem-solving approach in the area of underground mining, related
to the evaluation and selection of the optimal mining method, employing fuzzy multiple …
to the evaluation and selection of the optimal mining method, employing fuzzy multiple …
[PDF][PDF] Using of the fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy AHP methods for wastewater treatment process selection.
Selection of the wastewater treatment process is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM)
problem. The conventional methods for process selection are inadequate for dealing with …
problem. The conventional methods for process selection are inadequate for dealing with …
Non-traditional machining process selection using integrated fuzzy AHP and QFD techniques: a customer perspective
With the advancement in material science and engineering, hard as well as difficult to cut
materials are coming to the fore on regular basis. Machining such advanced materials with …
materials are coming to the fore on regular basis. Machining such advanced materials with …